Chapter 7

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Tom's POV:

Once every student is outside watching the match, I patrol the hallways while clutching my book in my hands, thinking of ways to torture y/n, thinking of ways to torture everyone that saw.

I'm tempted to scrap my whole plan and instead of opening the chamber to kill one person, let me just kill the whole school.

I love it here at Hogwarts but I hate the people in it.

The more I think the more angry I get, to know that my personal property has been touched by such reckless and daring people, I will get revenge.

With her sweet smile, battering of eyelashes, delicate frame and gentle voice, she has the audacity to do this to me. I want her gone. For real this time.

Maybe it's the large sound of stomping that I don't realise I'm making that Slughorn walks out of the potions classroom.

" Tom, my boy! What are you doing out here?" He asks.

The old chap doesn't ever leave me alone and normally I can deal with it since he's helpful but today I cannot fake my charm.

" sorry Sir, hope I'm not bothering you" I say but it sounds like I don't mean it. Because I don't.

He holds open the door wider for me to walk inside and I accept since I have nothing better to do, maybe he can give me a potion that will poison someone.

" take a seat"

" I don't feel like sitting" I say as I walk into the classroom, just to knock over some stacked books on the way in.

" I sense that you're mad" Slughorn says softly.

I turn around and look at him, not wanting him to feel disappointed in me since it's obvious I'm his favourite. Although at this rate, y/n could be a close second.

" I'm annoyed Sir"

" I know" he says and he looks at my book in my hands.

" I'm just glad y/n gave it back to you, kind girl" he says.

" what?" I emphasise, confused and bewildered.

Slughorn turned around to stack shelves and he looks back at me like he's expecting to understand what he's talking about.

" you know, Miss y/n?" He says as he waves his wrinkly hand about, watching me like he's expecting me to catch on.

But I don't say anything and my expression remains blank.

" Y/n took your diary off the boys who was reading it out loud" he says.

I bite my tongue to stop me from saying the things I want to do to whoever was reading it out loud, how much did they read?

" you didn't know?" He asks and I'm too quick to answer that it comes across as rude.

" no of course I didn't know!"

" what exactly happened Slughorn?" I say finally taking a seat in a stool, suddenly intrigued.

" well... I didn't see much, when I walked outside y/n was telling Elliot that he doesn't have a right to read your diary" he says shrugging.

My face frowns. But only after I realise I'm experiencing a moment of sympathy for y/n. I don't know why I am, she did stop them from reading any further.

And she did look sorry when I see her, her sparkling y/c eyes looked at me so sorrowful and I keep replaying her flinching in my head. She squeezes her eyes shut as she turned her face away.

" it didn't seem that way when I turned up" I say quietly to Slughorn.

Slughorn looks at me confused, he's an awkward man at times, he swirls the small potion around in his hand before stacking it back on the shelf.

" everything is not as it seems" he says positively.

I excuse myself by telling the Professor that I'd like to use this free time by going to the library and he lets me go.

On the way to the library, I think of my conversation with Slughorn and y/n, she's probably out watching the quidditch match with the Ascot boy she seems smitten with. 

My blood boils when I walk into the library and see her sitting there reading a book, sat peacefully with good posture on the couch, looking like she's in a world of her own  but the longer I stare at her, the less angry I get.

But I'm agitated that she's here. If she never transferred here, I wouldn't be thinking about her at all.

I don't look at her when I walk past, I simply browse for a book and take a seat, far away from her on the same couch, acting like she isn't there but I feel her beady eyes on me.

Then I hear her let out a small desperate sigh.

" I didn't read your diary" she tells me.

" funny, I saw it open in your hands and you were looking at it" I respond, avoiding her eye.

" I know it must have looked terrible but I promise I didn't!"

" and why should I trust you?" I ask her.

She flops back on the couch exhausted.

" you shouldn't, you're not inclined too, but I didn't, I'd never invade someone's privacy" she says honestly.

I tear my eyes away from the book I wasn't reading to look at her, she does look sincere but she's lucky Slughorn was around otherwise I wouldn't believe a word she's saying.

" I believe you" I say through gritted teeth.

She sits up like she can't believe my words.

" what?"

" don't make me say it again!" I snap, making sure I look angry so she knows where she stands.

She goes quiet and pauses before responding, " thanks" she mumbles but she sounds happy about it.

We both get back to reading and I read a couple of chapters when I notice she's still sat beside me and hasn't even tried to talk to me. She only makes me impatient and triggered.

" I only believe you because Slughorn saw you" I tell her.

" I'm glad he was there then" she says relived.

" are you telling me you didn't read a single page?" I ask her, looking deep into her eyes so she can't lie to me.

" no" she's quick to say.

" would you have if I didn't turn up?" I ask.

She looks away from me but then back at me.

" honestly... I would have thought about it, it would have been tempting! But... but I still wouldn't have" she answers honestly while fiddling with the pages of her book.

I respect her answer although if she would have read a single page I would have effortlessly killed her.

" would you have? If it were mine?" She asks me.

" yes" I respond.

She frowns, " really? You wouldn't give it back to me"

" I'd give it back after I read it all" I shrug.

Y/n looks at me but then she just ends up laughing, letting out a cute chuckle, I turn away so she doesn't see my smirk which I somehow can't control otherwise I'd force it off my face.

A baggage of love ( Tom Riddle x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now