Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV:

Tom hesitates.

" No" he replies.

I look down a small smile escapes my lips when I hear him scoff.

" only because I'm not done with you yet" he tells me.

And then he walks off.

I attend the rest of lessons as normal, Tom acted like he hadn't even met me. When we were out of lessons, I didn't see him around once. I even went to the most secluded areas of Hogwarts that I could think of. But nothing.


" okay, give me some of your chocolate covered strawberries and I'll give you half of my cheesecake" Ascot asks me at dinner time.

I laugh and give in, giving him more strawberries than I have left, when he notices he grabs his heart like he's touched.

" you're a dear" he says as he kisses my cheek.

I chuckle as I subconsciously look around the Slytherin table, when suddenly I spot Tom whose eyes were already on me.

I quickly smile at him but he rolls his eyes and looks away.

" how are you finding it here?" Ascot asks me as I put my attention back on him.

" good, it already feels like home" I tell him.

" there's a quidditch match tomorrow" he tells me.

" there is?" I say surprised but I'm unsure why.

" yeah sorry forgot to tell you, although no other Slytherins would have told you because they're all training" he says.

" whose it against?"

" Hufflepuff"

" oh" I say excited.

" are you on the quidditch team?"

Ascot laughs as he takes a big bite of cheesecake, he covers his mouth when he goes to speak, " sports aren't my thing"

I laugh at him and when he's done eating he has some cheesecake on the top of his lip, I direct him to wipe it off but he only smudges it more.

" you're like a child!" I tell him as I grab a tissue and wipe it off himself.

" so you'll be there?"

" at the match?" I ask.

" yeah"

" of course, it will give me something to do"

" good I was hoping you would say that, my friends and I were going to watch it together but I'll watch it with you instead" he says.

" who said I wanted to watch it with you?" I tease him and he hits my arm playfully.

The next morning:

The Quidditch match is in the morning on a weekend day which means my well deserved lie in is ruined but I need to remind myself why I'm really here.

When I walk down to the Great Hall, the hallway is packed with a bunch of chattering and engrossed students from a load of different houses huddled together.

For a moment I think that we are so early the great hall hasn't opened but then I see it.

" This year will be most successful year of my life, no one knows what I'm capable of!" A blonde haired Ravenclaw reads out loud reading from a book.

I walk closer and have to push through the laughing crowd to get a better look, I recognise the book.

" oh do you write in it?"

A baggage of love ( Tom Riddle x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now