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Zoya Kien sat at the table at the Burrow, the home of the Weasleys. She watched Hermione huff and puff about Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, who were still in bed upstairs.

Zoya met the two on her first year at Hogwarts. Due to her late birthday, Zoya was the oldest in her class while everyone who was actually her age was one year above her. Not that she minded, though. She knew she would never have met her two best friends had she been in the class above them.

She had many life-threatening and chaotic adventures with the two, and she loved every second of it. Zoya, being the most adventurous and free spirited of the bunch, was often getting into trouble for sticking up for her friends in a physical manor.

One of her favorite memories was when her and Hermione both punched Draco Malfoy in the face together without even having to say a word. She got one more hit in when she kneed him between his legs, completely unnecessary yet very satisfying.

She got on well with Ginny Weasley also, who was the youngest and only girl of the family beside her mother, Molly.

While she was friends with the Weasley twins, she often bickered with them due to them pulling pranks on her all of the time. Fred ended up with a black eye one time during the summer prior after he tried to prank her when she was speaking to Molly, which resulted with him being mocked for it by his entire friends and family until it went away.

"Do you reckon they are still in bed?"

"Probably." Hermione angrily said, "I mean honestly, how can those two sleep through the morning?" She said as Molly cooked breakfast.

"It is still early..." She said quietly as she sipped tea.

"They know we have something going on today! Whatever that may be..." She trailed off, looking at Arthur Weasley who was casually tinkering with a Muggle gadget.

Speaking of Muggles, Zoya was half-blood. Her father was a wizard with muggle parents, while her mother was a half-blood.

Her father, Nhan, was born in Vietnam and was raised in London. He met his wife, Kimma, who was also from Vietnam yet raised in Ireland, at Hogwarts. The two ended up settling down in London, and had Zoya years after they graduated from Hogwarts.

Ironically enough, the two went to Hogwarts with the Marauders, even being in the same year. While the two typically kept to themselves, they would sometimes hang out with the group. Her parents didn't typically talk about them, Zoya figured it was just too painful of a memory.

Though her father would sometimes talk about Lily Potter, Harry Potter's mother. The two were able to confide in one another, having to deal with the weight of being muggle-born amongst pure-bloods and half-bloods.

After that horrific night on Hallowe'en back in 1981, the two moved to the muggle world and settled down in the countryside of London.

When Zoya got her letter, she could see the fear in her parent's eyes. Whilst they were happy for their daughter, she could tell that they feared the worst. When it came out that Voldemort was back, it took a great deal of convincing to keep them from transferring her schools.

The older Zoya got, the more time she spent at the Burrow. She went home every holiday to her family, but she also couldn't bare to not see the Weasleys. She saw them as her family, and they saw her the same way.

She snapped out of thought at the sound of Hermione stomping upstairs, probably going to wake up Harry and Ron. The Weasley twins slumped down at the table across from her, "Good morning, Zoya." They said at the same time, "Sleep well?"

"No I did not, actually. I'll have you know that you two are ridiculously loud and I couldn't fall asleep until halfway through the night." She said as Ginny nodded in agreement next to her.

The two looked at each other, "What a shame. We will try harder next time so you won't sleep at all." Fred said to her as George kept his smile plastered on his face.

"Do that and you'll have another black eye. I know well that your parents won't stop me."

"More tea?" Molly kindly asked, standing behind Zoya.

Zoya lifted her mug and Molly poured fresh tea into it, "Leave Zoya alone, boys. She's right, we won't stop her." She said in a light tone before walking away.

She stood up at the sound of her toast popping up. She walked to it and got it out of the toaster that Arthur had messed with, and buttered it. Just before she could take a bite, Fred swiped it from her hand and took a bite, "Thank you, I was-"

Zoya tackled him to the ground, causing the house to lightly shake. She snatched the bread out of his hand and stood up, "Wanker! Make your own bloody toast!" She said, shoving the bread in her mouth.

Just before he could stand up, she took a glass of water and poured it onto his face. George began to laugh loudly as Hermione walked back downstairs, "They are still in bed! Unbelievable! I-"

She stopped when she saw Zoya with her mouth stuffed with bread, and Fred's face and t-shirt covered in water, "Honestly, Fred. Why would you start your antics this early?" She said while crossing her arms.

Don't get it confused, Zoya loved the Weasley twins like brothers. Her and Fred were at each others necks more often than her and George due to the fact that Fred could never seem to learn his lesson with her. When they first met, everyone thought that Zoya had a crush on him. When she was confronted about it, her face scrunched up in disgust before yelling, "That's basically incest!"

Zoya leant up against the counter as Fred wiped his face with a cloth. He tried to walk passed her, but she stuck out her foot and tripped him. He fell down face-first once again, causing George to laugh even harder.

Molly put her hands on her hips, "Fred, get up off the floor!" She said while throwing a wink to Zoya.

He groaned while standing up, "I-I'll get you for that one." He said, pointing to Zoya as he rubbed his head with his other hand. He stumbled upstairs and passed Harry and Ron, who were finally up.

They looked at Fred, and then to Zoya, "What did you do to him?" Ron tiredly asked.

"Gave him a taste of his own medicine."

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