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"A Legilimens? Interesting..."

"You can't go telling anyone, Zoya. Swear it!" Harry said as they prepared to leave the Gryffindor common room to go to breakfast.

"I solemnly swear." She said, "I don't exactly want to feel the wrath of that girl."

They walked to the Great Hall and took their seats. Zoya poured herself a cup of tea and saw Viktor Krum speaking with the boys from his school from across the room. She put her chin in her hand and stared at him as Fred and George walked up to the group. They caught onto Zoya's look and the two decided to sit on either side of her.

"So which lovely chap are you eyeing? Oh I see..." George said, looking a Viktor, "You know the Yule Ball will be held here this year..."

"We could put in a good word for you." Fred said, winking at her.

"No!" She quickly said, "Don't you dare!"

"Why not? I'm sure he'd love to go with a terrifying girl like you." George teased, "I mean that in the best way, of course."

"Piss off." She mumbled, earning snickers out of the twins.

Later that day, Zoya was passing through the courtyards when she saw Viktor again. She kept her head down and continued to walk.

She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder, and she whipped around and saw the charming Quidditch seeker, "Hello. It is Zoya, right?"

She nodded, "You know my name?"

He smiled, "Yes. I just wanted to say that I saw you practicing, you are a good chaser."

Zoya felt her cheeks heat up, "T-thanks. You're also a really good seeker, I saw you at the Quidditch World Cup. How are you liking Hogwarts?"

"Thank you. It is nice here, many students have been welcoming." He said.

A few of Viktor's friends called out for him at the other end of the courtyard. He turned to them and gave them a small wave before turning back to Zoya, "I must go. I would love to get to know you better."

Zoya smiled brightly, "M-me too. Um... perhaps we could go to Hogsmeade together sometime soon? I could show you around..."

"Sounds wonderful. We shall discuss it soon. Goodbye, Zoya." He said, taking a few steps back.

Zoya gave him a small wave and he turned around, running to his friends. She then raced back to the Gryffindor common room with her heart practically beating out of her chest.

"Well what do we have here?"

"A blushing Zoya? Not a sight I ever thought I'd see."

Zoya looked to Fred and George, who were both tinkering with a prank they were probably going to torture a young Gryffindor with soon. She slumped down onto the couch across from them, "I spoke to Viktor." She said with the same lovestruck smile plastered on her face.

"I reckon it went well?" George questioned.

Zoya turned onto her stomach, "We are going to Hogsmeade together. Me! Out of all the girls in the school..."

"See? I told you. Some chaps like terrifying girls." George said with a small smile, "Did you guys talk about anything else?"

"He said I was a good chaser."

"Bullocks." Fred said.

Zoya picked up a pillow and hurled it at his head. He had no time to deflect it, and he was nearly knocked off of the couch. She sat up and kicked her feet up onto the coffee table, "I think Hermione might also like him..." She mumbled, fidgeting with her hands.

Now she really had the twins' attention.

"What gives you that idea?" They asked in union.

"We were there when he put his name into the Goblet of Fire. I saw the look she gave him. D'you think she'll be mad at me?"

"I'd go to Hogsmeade with him and get to know him first. If he turns out to be a total git, you'll be able to warn her." George said, "Fred and I should go to spy."

"Absolutely not!" She said, "I swear on Godric's name if you do..."

"Relax, Kien! We won't!" Fred defended.

"I don't believe you, like, at all."

He scoffed, "Really? Have we ever given you a reason not to trust us?" He sarcastically asked with a smile.

"You can't even ask that question with a straight face."

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