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Lorelei trailed behind Lucius and Draco as they walked in the stadium to their seats. She wore a long black velvet skirt with a lace black top that had long sleeves and a turtleneck. She had on black leather boots with a small heel. Her hair was pulled back into a bun at the bottom of her head, her lips painted red.

She had on a black cloak, which had green embellishing on it.

Much of her outfit was her mother's choice, not that she minded. She always thought her mother had good taste.

As they walked along a pathway, they heard Ron talking to his father from above.

"Blimey Dad, how far up are we?"

The three Malfoy's looked up at the group, who were on their way up to the top of the stadium.

"Well put it this way, if it rains... you'll be the first to know." Lucius said to the group with a small smirk.

Lorelei mentally sighed as she shot a look at her father. She looked back up, and caught a pair of blue eyes on her. She felt herself freeze up as he looked down at her with a small smile.

From above, Cedric was standing next to Zoya, "You know who that is?" He quietly asked her.

"She's the oldest Malfoy daughter. You don't know who she is? I think she's in your year..."

He shook his head, "I'd know if she was... I've never seen her before, she wasn't at the Sorting Ceremony. She's absolutely beautiful."

"George here has been in love with her since our first year at Hogwarts. He claims he passed her on his way to Professor McGonagall's office after he got in trouble earlier in the day for pulling a prank during an exam." Fred said teasingly as Fred rolled his eyes.

Harry, Ron, Zoya, and Hermione all glared at George, "Really? A Slytherin and a Malfoy?" Zoya snapped at him.

"All I said was that she is pretty!" George said in defense.

Cedric continued to look down at her. From the look on her face, it looked as if she knew exactly what they were talking about. He gave a small wave and she quickly looked away, her face going cold once again.

The groups continued to walk with the crowed as Draco looked up at them smugly, "Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself."

Lucius quickly turned to jab his cane into his abdomen. Draco quickly stopped walking as his face fell, "Don't boast Draco. There's no need with these people." He said.

Zoya tried to lunge over the rail at Lucius, but was quickly pulled back by the Weasley twins, "I'll have you know that I have both punched your son in the face and kneed him in the crotch and I will do it again!" She yelled as they pulled her up the stairs.

Draco glared at Zoya as she was escorted upstairs. Cedric continued to looked down at Lorelei, and he swore he saw her lips curve up in a small smile at Zoya's threat.

Hermione tried to pull Harry away from the two, but Lucius put his cane on Harry's hand that was on the railing. Harry quickly turned to Lucius, "Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can." Lucius quietly said.

Lorelei looked at her father with wide eyes. She thought about prying into his mind, but the thought of ever doing such a thing and getting caught seemed terrifying. Lucius let go of Harry's hand and continued to walk down the path.

Lorelei looked up at Cedric one more time, and this time he mouthed hello. She finally gave him the smallest smile, and that was enough for Cedric to get butterflies in his stomach.

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