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Lorelei found Draco alone with his friends in the Slytherin common room two days after the incident between him, Zoya, and Harry.

The moment she walked in with Augustus, she made a beeline for her brother.


He turned to his sister with a mischievous smile, "Can I help you?"

She shoved him into the shelf above the fireplace and held her wand under his chin, his body inches away from the flames.

"I want you to apologize to Kien for what you did or I swear to Salazar I will make sure you wish you were never born."

He smiled down at her, "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?"

"I will pick apart your mind until I have you on the ground begging for mercy. Father won't be able to get here in time to kill me for hurting his precious son."

"Lorelei! He already got detention and a punch in the face from Granger. That's enough! You'll hurt him!"

"Shut it, Parkinson." Lorelei said, not tearing her eyes from her brother.

"Why do you even care?" He quietly asked.

"Because you broke her bloody arm and being related to you is horrible enough, I don't like having to deal with the messes you make." She spat, "You are to apologize to her tomorrow morning at breakfast in front of me and shake her hand. I don't think you want to find out what I will do if I get into your head."

She shoved him lightly and then let go, walking away with Augustus. Draco stared at her in anger before Pansy Parkinson gasped, "Your robes!"

He looked down and saw flames at the bottom of his robe. He quickly took it off and threw it to the ground, stomping on it.

Draco listened to his older sister. He knew she was right. He didn't want to figure out what it was like to have your mind gone through.

He grimly walked into the Great Hall the next morning where he found Zoya talking to a group of Ravenclaws. He sighed and walked up to her, "Kien."

"Piss off."

"Can I speak with you?"



She slowly turned to him, "Did you just say... please?"

The two walked out of the Great Hall and stood just by the door that was perched open. He glanced inside the Hall, and caught a glimpse of his sister who was watching the two. He then turned back to Zoya, "I-"

She raised a brow, "Is that all?"

He rolled his eyes, "I am... sorry... for uhh-"

She crossed her arms and tapped her foot, "Any day now."

"I'm sorry for flying you into the air and breaking your arm. Not that you didn't deserve it but... I didn't mean to. Honestly. I only meant to maybe sprain your wrist..."

"That's not really any better."

"It is a little better."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."


Draco sighed impatiently, "Quit arguing and just take the apology. I don't like doing this."

"What? Did a professor put you up to this? Because I know damn well that you wouldn't do this out of the kindness of your little Slytherin heart."

"Just say thank you."

"What if I don't?"

Draco rolled his eyes, "You are absolutely infuriating, you know that, right?"

"Well I guess that settles things. You are a dick and I am infuriating. Can I go back inside now?"

He held out his hand and she stared down at it, "What do you want me to do?"


She scoffed with a small, "What? If you try to hex me I think you might get both expelled and beat up by Hermione and me once I recover."

"It's not hexed!"

She reluctantly took his hand, and the two gave each other the smallest handshake. Zoya quickly took back her hand and rubbed it on her robes, making him roll his eyes.

"Alright, well, this has been... interesting. I hope we never have to speak to one another again." Zoya said.


"Great." She said, turning around on her heel and walking back inside.

Draco stood there for a few moments, processing their first semi-civil conversation. He glanced at his sister, who nodded lightly before taking a sip of her tea.

Zoya sat down next to Hermione and Harry, "Where were you?" Harry asked.

"Draco Malfoy just apologized to me."

This caught the attention of half of the Gryffindor table.

"What?" The twins said in union.

"The Draco Malfoy? The one you've been getting into fights with since our first year? The one who just broke your arm?" Hermione asked.

She slowly nodded, "He said a professor didn't put him up to it..."

"It was definitely Lorelei." Hermione said.

"What gives you that idea?" Ron asked.

She nodded to Lorelei, who looked smug at her brother, who was now sitting down and pouting. They all glanced at her before looking back to each other, "Strange..." Ron said.

"Strange indeed." Zoya said, looking at her once again.

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