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Day three of Hogwarts.

Lorelei had to change her schedule around, switching Apparition and Transfiguration so that she could fit in Alchemy. Even on her third day, she found herself lest interested in the Defense Against the Dark Arts and more into the elements.

The new teacher, Professor Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, was a fairly good teacher. But something about the class felt off, so she decided to drop Ancient Studies and take Alchemy to keep her more busy and interested in her coursework. Her first day of Alchemy was highly enjoyable, and she already knew she would grow to love it.

For Transfiguration, she never cared for it. It wasn't a hard class, but she found it boring. Her parents wanted her to take NEWT Transfiguration in her sixth year, and she didn't care to argue. When she walked into her new Transfiguration class that took place before lunch, she wasn't expecting much.

Lorelei was the fifth student to get to class, and she took her seat a table second to the back on the right. She had her textbook open and she was absentmindedly reading the chapter they were going over today when she heard giggles from a group of girls.

She glanced up, and to her surprise, their giggles were not directed at her. She looked to the door, and instantly wanted to die.

Cedric Diggory was in this class.

"Bloody brilliant." She mumbled. She picked up the book and held it over her face, continuing to read in hopes that he would not notice her.

As Cedric walked in with his friend, his smile grew larger when she saw the Slytherin in the class. He couldn't mistake her, from her posture to her neat nails and green robes, he knew in an instant it was her and she was covering her face because of him.

Lorelei heard footsteps coming her way, and then felt warmth next to her. Her eyes slowly traveled to her right, and saw Cedric sitting next to her with his all too familiar warm smile.


"Can you not find anywhere else to sit?"

He shrugged, "I usually sit here, actually. So really..."

"Then I'll move for you and your friend." Lorelei said, putting her book now.

"No no, it's alright. He's been wanting to chat up a Ravenclaw girl in this class and you sitting here is his perfect excuse to sit next to her." He said, glancing to his friend who was speaking with a blushing Ravenclaw girl.

She sighed, "Isn't that convenient."

"So why did you change your schedule?"

"Wanted to take Alchemy." Lorelei simply replied, "Had to switch Apparition and Transfiguration."

Cedric went quiet for a few moments. Lorelei opened her book again and continued to read, but was interrupted once again, "Why isn't your hair white? Like your father and brother?"

"Out of all the questions you could ask about me... you ask me about my hair?" Lorelei asked him, and she found herself struggling to hold back a laugh.

Cedric smiled when he saw that she was amused by his question, "What? It's a fair question to ask... why is one child of the infamous Malfoy family the only one without white hair? Does your mother have white hair?"

"Partially." Lorelei said with a small smile, looking at Cedric.

"See? It's strange that your hair is light brown. Not that it isn't pretty, don't get me wrong, but I suppose one would think you would get the iconic Malfoy hair."

"My father use to make me dye it, you know. But after begging and pleading because of how horrible it looked on me, he let me keep my natural hair."

Cedric chuckled, "The big and scary Lucius Malfoy being a hair dresser..."

Lorelei matched his laugh, "It is a funny thought."

Their conversation was interrupted by Professor McGonagall starting the lesson. Lorelei wasn't paying much attention due to the boy sitting next to her. When Professor McGonagall was teaching, Cedric didn't bother her, but his presence alone was enough to distract her and she couldn't understand it.

McGonagall was reviewing the students on basic Transfiguration, informing the students that they would get to human Transfiguration soon. Lorelei turned a teacup into a rabbit, and quickly turned it back to avoid it wreaking havoc.

As she transformed various items, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to Cedric, who was holding a Dahlia in his hand.

"For you." He said. She took the Dahlia, looking at it. It was a snowy color with lilac tips, "If you don't like it..."

"I do." Lorelei said quietly, feeling herself become more comfortable around him by the simple gesture, "Thank you."

"I'll give you a whole bouquet if you want, hell, I'll give you a field full..."

The end of Transfiguration came quicker than she wished. As everyone poured out of the classroom for lunch. Lorelei and Cedric walked near one another as they made their way to the Great Hall.

Lorelei walked in before him. She walked to her table and turned to look behind her, finding Cedric speaking with a beautiful red-haired Hufflepuff girl. She felt her smile falter and her heart sink slightly.

She slowly turned her back to him and sat down at the table next to Augustus. He put his head on her shoulder, "I'm so bloody tired."

"Full Moon soon?"

"Yeah." He quietly said.

And from the other side of the Great Hall, Cedric turned his head from the redhead to Lorelei. He saw Augustus resting his head on her shoulder, and his smile faltered the same as hers did just moments before.

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