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Due to the term nearing its end, most students did not have to attend classes unless they were behind.

Augustus being Augustus, he was horribly behind. Because of that, Lorelei was forced to roam the halls of Hogwarts alone. It had been a week since her argument with Cedric, and the two hadn't spoken to one another.

Even in a crowded room, Lorelei felt alone. She would see Cedric with his friends, and would feel a shutter of coldness. Sometimes their eyes would meet, but it was only a quick glance.

He was all she could think about, and it was nothing short of frustrating. She sat down at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall sipping tea when Sayaka sat down across from her, "Have you seen Augustus?"

"He's in his room. Full Moon is tonight." Lorelei replied.

She sighed, "Shit. I forgot about that."


"We're going to the Yule Ball together. I just wanted to discuss where exactly we will be meeting."

Lorelei's eyes shot to Sayaka, "He asked you?"

"I actually asked him. Pick your jaw up off the floor, love."

She slowly closed her mouth, "I thought you two were just shagging."

"Who else are we going to go with? I can't stand half of the people at this school."

"Really? I usually see you having no issue with them, you've got quite the group of friends."

She smirked, "You honestly think I'm actually friends with them? Please. I only hang around them so I don't look like a loser." She said, drawing out her last word.

Lorelei slowly took another sip of her tea, "Thank you for calling me a loser, Sayaka. You can go now."

"With pleasure."

Sayaka stood back up and strolled out of the Great Hall. Lorelei sighed and put her tea down, looking around the room. It seemed like everyone had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Even Draco had a date, Pansy Parkinson.

Lorelei slowly looked behind her and to where Cedric sat with his friends. Was this killing him as much as it was killing her?

In a way, everything about Cedric annoyed her. Good family, good personality, good friends... good face. Everyone was infatuated with him and something about that rubbed her the wrong way. He was like a treasure everyone was racing to get.


She turned her head to her brother, "What?"

"Is it true you don't have a date to the Yule Ball?" He asked as his friends began to snicker.

Lorelei ignored her brother, downed the rest of her tea, and walked out of the Great Hall on a mostly empty stomach.

Lorelei went to an optional Alchemy and Apparition class that had extra credit to pass the time. She then spent the rest of her days either roaming Hogwarts or at Hogsmeade.

The most entertaining thing she witnessed, was one Ronald Weasley asking Fleur Delacour to the ball. She was sitting outside in the courtyard when he and Zoya passed her.

At the same time, Fleur was passing with her Beauxbatons classmates. She heard him suddenly yell, "Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?!"

Both her and Zoya's eyes widened as Ron bolted out of the courtyard with Zoya chasing after him. Lorelei got up from her spot and roamed the halls again when she saw Zoya trying to hold up a completely pale and stiff Ron.

"Bloody hell, Ron!" She yelled at him, struggling to keep him steady. She turned to Lorelei, "Well don't just stand there staring! Help me!"

Lorelei got up and walked to the other side of Ron, holding his arm. The two walked him back inside and to the Gryffindor common room, other Gryffindors joined the walk on their way there and helped steady Ron more, one being Ginny.

They stopped in front of the Fat Lady portrait, "So this is where it is." Lorelei said.

"Thank you for your assistance." Zoya said, shooing Lorelei away.

She walked Ron through the portrait into the common room, and there was Hermione and Harry already there. When they saw the state of Ron as Zoya sat him down, they instantly jumped to him, "What happened to you?"

"He just asked Fleur Delacour out." Zoya replied.

Hermione gasped, "What?"

"What did she say?" Harry questioned.

"No of course." Hermione said. Ron shook his head and Hermione through her hands over her mouth with wide eyes, "She said yes?"

Harry scoffed, "Don't be silly."

Ron looked out into the distance, "There she was walking by. You know I like it when they walk. I couldn't help it, it just sort of slipped out."

"Actually he sort of screamed at her, it was a bit frightening." Zoya chimed in.

"What did you do then?"

"What else? I ran for it. I'm not cut out for this Harry. I don't know what got into me."

Zoya rubbed his back pitifully, "I had to get Lorelei Malfoy to help me walk him back here. She saw the whole bloody thing."

"Did she laugh at me? Oh Merlin..." Ron groaned.

"Not that I saw."

The Patil twins walked into the common room, both eyeing Harry with flirtatious grins, "Hi Harry." They both said, walking past him.

Ron continued his mumbling as Harry looked at Zoya. She nodded her heads towards the twins and he caught on, and quickly walked after them.

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