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Lorelei was filled in on the rest of the feast from Augustus. From the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to the rule that no witch or wizard under the age of 17 could put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament.

It was now the first day of classes. Lorelei already had Potions and Apparition, and she was now walking through the courtyard to go to her dorm for lunch. She ignored the gaze of students and taunts from Slytherins.

One would think that if they were a Malfoy and a Slytherin that they would be left alone by their own house, but boy was she wrong. She turned a corner to walk down a hall, and clashed into Hermione.

Zoya, Harry, and Ron were also present, all with wide eyes. Hermione gulped as Lorelei tried to pass them silently.

"Excuse me..."

She turned to the four fourth-years, "What." She said in a deadpan voice.

"Thank you. You know, for the..."

"I know." Lorelei cut off.

Hermione shifted on her feet, "We're all sorry for what happened with Hemlock... I owe you."

"You don't owe me anything. You all just better keep your mouth shut about it. I won't save you again." Lorelei said, turning around and walking away from them.

They all stared at her as she walked further away.

"Is it weird I find her comforting?" Ron asked them.

"Yes." Zoya replied as she crossed her arms, "You were just saying a while ago how awful she is!"

"Well I can change how I feel about someone when they save my friend's life! Can't be worse than her father or brother." Ron reasoned, "I still can't believe she actually saved Hermione's life."

"Is it that hard to believe someone wouldn't want me dead, Ronald?"

Ron raised his hands in defense, "I didn't mean it that way!"

The rest of Lorelei's day was relatively uneventful. She was now sitting in her dormitories flipping through a textbook.

She wrote notes down on a piece of parchment, but was quickly snapped out of concentration when she heard yelling and cheering.

She stood up and walked out of her dorm, walking downstairs to the Slytherin common room.

Her eyes widened at the sight of Augustus and the boy who made fun of her in front of the entire school: Grayson Hemlock.

Everyone around them was cheering, even Draco.

Augustus punched Grayson in the face, and Grayson immediately backfired and tackled him to the ground.

Lorelei ran up to them and whipped out her wand and sent a small blast towards the two, which separated them.

"Don't be such a drag, Lorelei." Draco said.

"Shut up." She said to her brother before walking to the two.

Grayson scrambled to his feet and got out his wand, pointing it at Lorelei, "You really wanna try me?!"

She aimed her wand at him, "I think the better question is if you want to try me."

"The two of you don't want to try each other." They heard an all too familiar voice say behind them, "Miss Malfoy and Mister Hemlock, lower your wands."

They kept their eyes on each other, but listened to Professor Snape as he walked to them.

"You three, come with me." He said, turning around dramatically, making his coat flow elegantly.

𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩 ; 𝑔.𝑜.𝒻Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora