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Transfiguration was quiet for the next few days. Lorelei and Cedric spoke to each other only when necessary.

The funny part was... the two quickly began to realize that their reasons for not talking to one another was ridiculous and not actually talked about.

Lorelei was making her way to her dorm as her Alchemy class was cancelled due to her professor being sick when a first year Gryffindor was running down the hall, lost and running late for his class. He bumped into Lorelei, causing both of them to drop their books.

He began to nervously apologize as he bent down, picking up Lorelei's books before his own. She looked down at his frantic state, realizing he was terrified of Slytherins, and more specifically, the Malfoys.

She bent down to face him, "Stop crying." She said quietly, yet firmly. He listened and wiped his tears, but didn't dare to look her in the eye. She organized his books that were all on Potions and gave them to him, "Why are you crying so much?"

He hiccuped as more tears fell from his face, "I'm sorry, I-"

"Stop bloody apologizing. That won't get you anywhere." She said, "Come on, get up."

The boy said nothing as he dusted himself off. She continued to stand in front of the boy, "Let me guess... you've been beat up by Slytherins before."

He meekly nodded, "Yes..."

"And my brother?" She asked. He nodded again, "Next time that happens, do whatever that little first year wand of yours can do. If your magic fails you, I recommend you just try to punch them in the face."

"My mother says that violence is never the answer."

"Well, your mother is most likely a Muggle and full of shit. Fighting back against Slytherins might get you into more trouble, but I doubt they'd do it again. As for my brother, I recommend you just mock him for every time he says my father will hear about this!"

The little boy grinned at her words, "Why aren't you like them?"

"I am. I just don't care to take down a first year who's feet most likely don't touch the ground whilst sitting at the table in the Great Hall. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, Ben."

The little boy snapped his head to her, "Y-you know my name?"

"Better run. You're late for class."

The boy quickly scurried off when she said he was late. She watched the little boy turn in the wrong direction, knowing he had to go left for Potions.

Cedric suddenly ran past her to the end of the hall, "Hey, buddy! Potions is the other way!" He yelled down the hall. He turned back to Lorelei as the young boy frantically ran the other way, "Were you really going to let the poor boy go the other way?"

"He was going to be late regardless."

"That's just mean."

"It's sort of in my nature."

Cedric walked up to her, "Hi." He quietly said.


"So uhh... why aren't you in class?"

She gripped her books tightly, "Professor is ill. You?"

"Study hall."

The two lingered for a few moments. Lorelei finally snapped out of thought, "All right, well, I will see you later." She said, brushing past him.

"Can I take you somewhere?"

She turned to Cedric, "Where?"

If this were anyone else, she would have never followed them. Something about Cedric made her feel at ease, and that he would not hurt her. He led her outside and to the waterfront. Scaling the water were dozens of pine trees, and he led her to one that was slightly bigger than the rest.

He held out his hand, and she carefully took it. He led her into the tree, which turned out to be even bigger on the inside. The pine trees sheltered the two, the smell of the tree was enough to bring Lorelei comfort.

She looked up at the fireflies lighting up the darker parts of the large tree.

"We think someone did an Extension Charm."


"My uncle. He said he saw a student sneak off into this tree with the same girl during his last two years here. He was a year behind him, so the year he was gone, he finally came into this tree. Part of myself feels like I shouldn't be here, like it's sacred."

"I don't know... it feels quite comforting." Lorelei said.

"So how's your... friend?"

She turned to him, "Who?"

"I saw you in the Great Hall. He had his head on your shoulder... you two seem close."

"Augustus. It's not like that. We've been friends since childhood, he had a long morning." Lorelei quickly said, "I could say the same for you. I saw you speaking with a pretty red head that same day."

"Mia. It's not like that. We were discussing the charms homework." Cedric replied, mimicking how Lorelei spoke.

She found herself holding back a smile once again, "Well I suppose that was just..."

"A misunderstanding."

Lorelei looked away from Cedric, walking up to the large trunk of the tree. She saw a carving on it.

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"Who do you think it is?"

"No clue." Lorelei replied.

Cedric sat down up against the tree, and Lorelei did the same. She stared at the pine, "It would be nice if this opened so we had a view of the water..."

And as if the tree could read her mind, the pines parted lightly to give the two a clear view of the waterfront. Cedric's widened, "I tried to get this tree to open up slightly for a view, and it wouldn't budge!"

"This tree is certainly charmed. Out of all the people it listened to... it listened to me."

He turned his head to her, "Well, I do love this view. I guess we will have to start coming here more often."

"I look forward to that."

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