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Myles wasn't sure of his steps again as he walked towards his aunt his heart won't stop pounding and guilt will not cease gnawing at him.
Immediately he stood in front of them with fear like a child who had gone against his mother and put his hand in the honey jar even after receiving serious warning not to. Never in his life had he been so unsure of himself,he didn't know how he should stand or where to or what facial expression to give.

Immediately Doreen lifted her head and saw him she was overcome by a new wave of anger,she gently detached from her husband and stood.

"Follow me" she said as she walked out of the living room.

Quietly he followed like a sheep being dragged to slaughter,within himself he decided that what ever the consequences were he will receive in good faith.

She pulled the door to study ajar and walked in shutting it hard in his face,his heart caught in his chest he would have got slammed had he been a second earlier.
He gently pull the door open and went in. His aunt was pacing from one end of the living room to the other and this continued for what seems to be an eternity to Myles though it was just for few minutes. He new she was trying to contain her anger right now and the best thing to do was patiently wait.

"I just can't believe you Myles,where have you been?" She demanded standing on akimbo few inches from him and though she was short and he could see the middle of her head due to his tall form without making efforts but by one glance without being told even a fool will know she's the one in charge.

"I ...I ....got a business call....and...and had to leave?" He stammered.

"A business call"she repeated with a laugh.
"You want me to believe that or is that really the truth, Myles do I look stupid to you,you dare stand there and lie to me?" She shouted and breathed out in an attempt to calm herself.

"Aunt am not lying to you" he defended taking a step closer to her but she took one back.

"Let's say I believe you, but you know you didn't come to Paris for business,do you?" She asked and he nodded.

"Just for one day,you were left alone with Zuriel and this happened,what is wrong with you Myles,why do you make it hard for people who live around you, can't you perform your duty well as a husband for day,now she's in that hospital bed fighting for life and even the doctors are not sure if she's going to make it,why do I care telling you that, I guess you will be happy if she died,moreover you never wanted her anyway" Doreen said as she turned around to wipe a stray tears.

"Are you all going to blame me for this, did any of you listen to me when I said I didn't want to get married especially to that weak woman" he said causing his aunt to turn around with laughter.

"She's weak you say?, What have you done to make her strong, all I know is that you're the best at making weak and vulnerable,as a husband and a spouse you shape your spouse to your taste,if she's weak make her strong,poor make her rich,ugly make her beautiful, timid be her confidence, doesn't have a voice be her voice, can't speak speak for her,mould her into what you want her to be,Zuriel is a sharp woman ready to learn, but you've never opened up to her, all you see when you look at her is burden,bondage, if you're blinded by your dislike for her you will never see her good nature, try to be on positive and you will see the positive side of your woman and this marriage Myles" Doreen said firmly before turning to face him.

"I can't, I've tried but I cannot" he confessed.

"You haven't tried enough,try not to be rigid,be open and everything will work out fine" she said and he nodded.
"Did you guys had a fight today?" She asked.

He shook his head and then answered

"And you don't know how she ended up in the pool,do you?" She demanded with one hand on her chin and the other crossed around her chest.

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