C H A P T E R 9

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They all sat in the living room anxiously waiting for the results. Mags was next to Jessica, who was giving the older woman her complete undivided attention as she signed something, Finnick was opposite them, in between Dale and Elaine, and both designers and makeup artists were sat on the furthest couch.

Finnick watched as Jessica and Mags communicated, not the usual annoyed tone the older woman is used to receiving from others who get tired of her inability to speak but pure kindness and patience spilling form her eyes.

'As you know, tributes were rated from 1-12 after three days of careful evaluation. The Gamekeepers would like to acknowledge that it was an exceptional...' Caesars voice came from the tv.

Jessica listened halfheartedly to the scores and managed to hear the scores were:

-District 1. Male. 10
-District 1. Female. 9

-District 2. Male. 9
-District 2. Female. 10

-District 3. Male. 6
-District 3. Female. 8

She didn't bother learn any of their names, it would just make it that much harder to kill then later on.

'From District 4, Dale Connors, with a score of 7. From District 4, Jessica Miller, with a score of 11. Impressive.'

The tv is paused by Elaine as they all gasp. They all have a quick celebration for getting good scores before watching what the others get. Jessica got the overall highest score.

Brayden styles the brunette in a tight but comfortable navy blue dress. His sister, Valaria, does matching makeup with navy blue eyeshadow blending into silver and some black, short lashes.

They both smile at her, telling her how beautiful she looks before she hugs them goodbye as they leave to take their seats.

Breath in. Breathe out. Repeat.

As she's waiting backstage feeling her panic rise, she's approached by none other than Finnick Odair.

"You're looking beautiful as always," he smirks at her though he means every word.

She turns to look at him, "Odair, forever flirting."

"Wow. You wound me."

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings?" she retorts back, smiling innocently.

"Yes. You did, I'm truly offended. Now you'll have to make up for it," he naturally smirks back.

"As much as I would love that, I've gotta go, the life of a celebrity awaits." She responds with a sarcastic tone, hearing her name being called by someone backstage, before turning away and being escorted to the side of the stage.

Caesar Flickerman announced her arrival as the young girl takes a deep breathe, "From District 4, you know her as the Princess of Panem, it's Miss Jessica Miller!"

Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat.

The crowd erupts into cheers as she walks on, a smile covering up the panic rising in her throat, on the outside, she looks breathtakingly beautiful, her brown curls lay on her shoulders, shaping her face wonderfully, a smile graces her lips as she looks happy, like she's truly enjoying herself. No one would've guessed there was a vast amount of emotions brewing inside of her like a stormy sea.

She stands by Caesar as he kisses her cheek and they both take a seat, "well that was quite the entrance, you look absolutely breathtaking."

"Oh, Caesar, stop. Your making me blush," her natural charisma coming out.

"Would you mind giving us a twirl?"

"Of course not Ceaser," Jessica stands, twirling around, making the audience roar and cheer, before sitting back down.

He lets out a hearty laugh, "now, we have all been wondering, eager to know, how did you get the highest score this year?" He asks, referring to her private evaluation.

"Well," she looks into the audience seeing Finnick give her a nod, a signal to be herself, they were loving her humour, "you'll just have to wait and see, won't you Caeser?"

"Oh, you tease," he replies smiling. "Something else we've all been asking, what has it been like to work so closely with the capitols golden boy, our Finnick Odair?"

"Well, Caesar, he's quite the peacock I'll tell you that," the audience erupt into laughter, Finnick grinning at her like an idiot at the new nickname.

"One more question, is there anyone special waiting for you at home?"

"Yes, there's my older brother, Jacob, he's my rock and there's my younger brother Kylo, he's a ray of sunshine."

The crowd 'awwws' at her statement along with Caesar.

"How very sweet, did they come see you before you left?"

"Yes, they did."

"And what did you say?"

"I promised them I'd try come home safely and.."

"And what?"

"I promised Kylo I'd bake some cookies with him on my return because.. because it's his 7th birthday soon."

"It is? When, when?"

"Whilst I'm in the arena."

A group of sighs and cries are heard from the audience as she sends them a small, adorably deflated smile causing the crowd to love her even more.

"Well isn't that unfortunate, we will all be rooting for you and wishing little Kylo a good birthday."

"Oh Caesar, now your gonna make me cry," her humour came out at the perfect moment to brighten the mood and make the audience laugh and fall even deeper in love with her.

"Is there anything you'd like to say to him before we move on, I assume he's watching."

She looked at the camera, imagining she was looking into her brothers innocent, doe-like eyes, "if.. if I don't manage to come home.. Happy Birthday little man, I love you. Take care of each other."

"Ok, ok, I'm tearing up. Let's move on before I start crying. My last question, I know, I know, I've said that before but I'm serious this time, is there a special boy friend waiting for you at home?"

She lets out a laugh, her usual, contagious laugh, making Panem love her more and more every second, "there isn't, no." For an unknown reason, this made a smile crawl onto Finnicks face.

"Well, why not?"

"I guess I've never really though about it, I've always spent so much of my time looking after my brothers."

"Well you heard it here ladies and gentlemen, Miss Miller is available," he lets another laugh, as Jessica smiles and the audience laugh and cheer, predominantly male voices shout for her making her slightly disgusted on the inside, sweet smile on the outside, "now I can speak on behalf of us all when I say I hope we see you on this stage again."

She gives the audience one last smile before leaving.

AN: the Capitol love Jessica, can't blame them.

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