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She stood at the side of stage wearing an ombré dress and black heels. She wore a padded bra and underwear to make her look less malnourished. Her dress was black around her bust, fading out into a complete white at the bottom, Brayden had outdone himself once again. Her makeup was natural, eyeshadow a skin tone darker than her face to stand out slightly, black short lashes and her hair in soft curls, perfectly framing her face.

She could hear the crowd cheer as the show begun.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat.

"Now tonight we have a very special guest. Joining us back on stage, our 70th Annual Hunger Games Victor, our favourite, our Princess of Panem, Jessica Miller!"

At her introduction, she took one last deep breath before forcing a happy smile onto her face, walking with confidence towards Caesar Flickerman who held out an arm. Embracing her in a hug, it felt almost genuine.

"Well now, look at you, fabulous as always, isn't that right?" The crowd erupt into agreeing cheers, a few other 'flattering' comments are heard here and there.

"Well what about you Caesar, that's a very nice suit," she goes along with her 'flirty, sarcastic, happy, pretty, strong act' for the Capitol people but inside, she just wants to put on some joggers and watch tv with her brothers.

"Oh stop, now your making me blush," he laughs. He seems to do that a lot. "Now we have a few questions to ask before we bring out your team and watch your games. Let's start with what was it like in the arena?"

"Cold." Laughter echo throughout the room, as she and Caesar join in, "in all seriousness, it wasn't too bad. The ice meant a constant supply of water and possibility of fish. However, I'm sure there were many casualties and maybe even deaths due to the conditions and landscape. I feel I would've really struggled if I hadn't found the shelter of a cave." She spoke about the games like it was a game. Like people hadn't genuinely lost their lives. She had to. Because it's what the people wanted. The sick, sadistic people of the Capitol.

"What was going through your mind when you saw Dale in your trap? Which, by the way, was a brilliantly intelligent idea, I'm sure everyone agrees."

Tears threatening to spill at the mention of her District partners name, the boy who was too young, too pure for these games, this world.

"I was feeling many things, relieved being one of the biggest. I was so glad the first night, that his picture wasn't in the sky."

"Isn't that lovely, now, we're all wondering, why didn't you kill him when he was vulnerable in the trap. That is the aim of the game," he and the audience laughed at the joke as I had to reluctantly join in.

"I cared for him. He was my friend, and barely even of reaping age, he was too young to die."

"That he was, I can say on behalf of us all, his death brought tears to all our eyes," the fuck it did, she thought, "enough about the past for a moment, what about now, how are you feeling now the games are over?"

"Excited," she couldn't tell the truth, she had to tell them what they wanted to hear but make it sound believable. She had to think of something to lighten the mood, "I'm looking forward to going home and seeing my brothers. Spending time with them in the month I'm there. And then, of course, there's the Victor's tour, visiting the other Districts, the the big party at the Presidential Palace. There's a lot to look forward to," she flashed her best fake smile, making it seem like she was looking forward to the hell to come, "and of course, seeing all of you," she added, this got a reaction out of the crowd, people screaming and cheering.

"Such flattery, I love it and, you know we love having you here in the Capitol, I hope you find yourself here with us more often." From the noise, she assumes the crowd agree. "Something we've all been wondering is, what's it been like working so closely with our boy, Finnick Odair?"

"Well, he was not only a great mentor but, he's become my best friend too," she allowed a real smile to appear upon her face, knowing what she had said was actually true.

"So no romance in the air?" Caesar enquired, smiling at the girl.

"No, I'm sorry to disappoint."

"Oh! You could never disappoint us! However, we are still strongly routing for you two aren't we?" A loud cheer answered his question, though, some didn't cheer. She assumed they were the disgusting, small minded people who wanted her to themselves. Revolting.

"Now, I believe it's time to welcome to the stage, the very people who helped you through the games, please welcome..."

AN: so that was her big interview. I got kinda lazy at the end, i did write this very early, so I decided to end it there.

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