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As Katniss goes to kiss Peeta goodbye, Jessica turns to face Finnick who is already looking down at the brunette.

She leans up, placing a gentle kiss on the corner of his lips, causing the worry etched on his face to falter for a second, "see you soon, okay?" Finnick says.

Jessica nods with a smile, "stay safe," she turns to Beetee who was watching with a ghost of a smile, "you too B, stay safe."

Beetee smiles at the girl he's become quite fond of. Jessica walks over to Johanna, throwing her arm loosely around the latters shoulder. Johanna smirks at her best friend before turning towards Katniss who was dramatically looking at Peeta, and vice versa. Johanna's previously soft eyes turn to a glare, "all right, let's go!"

Johanna leads the trio, axe in hand, Jessica in the middle with her twin blades and Katniss with her bow and the wire at the back.

Peeta stares after Katniss as Finnick anxiously spins his trident, a strong face on, not matching the worry in his green eyes.

The girls climb over some large rocks heading towards the beach, "come on. I want to put as much distance between me and this beach as possible," Johanna says.

"Yeah," Jessica agrees, "frying is not how I want to go."

Something clinks, "there's something..." the wire snaps. As Katniss readies her bow, Jessica gives Johanna the signal. Johanna hits her head harshly, looking like she enjoyed it a little too much, before kneeling on her. Jessica grabbed a knife and cut a small incision in her arm, enough to get a couple of fingers in. Jessica removed the tracker as Johanna got some blood on her fingers. The two girls spread her blood on her neck, making her look as if she's about to die. As Katniss screams, the two girls shush her, "stay down," Johanna hisses. "Sorry," Jessica whispers before standing.

Jessica throws a knife at the Careers before her and Johanna make a run for it, leading the Careers away from Katniss.

"Jessica! Johanna! Where are you?" Finnick calls out, a little too late, causing Katniss to grab her bow and hide in front of the grassy dirt wall which was behind her.

Finnick whisper yells their names again.

Finnick runs back to the tree looking for the raven haired girl who he had to protect.

"Katniss, where are you?" Finnick yells.

Katniss aims her arrow at Finnick, ready to let go. Finnick sees her, holding his hand out in surrender, "Katniss. Remember who the real enemy is," Finnick tries to reason with her. She lowers her aim.

The sky turns cloudy, about to strike, "Katniss, get away from that tree!"

Instead of listening, Katniss wraps some wire around her arrow, aiming it up to the sky, and letting the arrow fly upwards. Finnick runs towards her in an attempt to save her, but both were thrown backwards from the lightning.

The arrow, full of energy, flies into the sky and successfully hits the dome, causing it to fall apart.

The last thing Jessica Miller remembered before everything went black was Johanna screaming as something heavy came into contact with the back of her head, causing her to reluctantly drop her blades, knocking her out cold.

AN: uh oh.

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