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"It's gonna get dark soon. We'll be safe with our backs protected. We should set up camp. Take turns sleeping. I can take first watch." Finnick suggests.

"Not a chance," Katniss, of course, declines.

"Honey, that thing I did back there for Peeta? That was called 'saving his life.' If I wanted to kill either die you, I would've done it by now."

Katniss and Finnick take first watch.

Before Peeta falls asleep, Jessica goes over, Katniss watching her like a hawk.

"Hey Peeta," she greeted with her usual smile.

"Hey Jessie, everything okay?"

"Yeah I just thought you'd want this," Katniss watched as she takes off Peeta's medallion, that Haymitch had given her so Katniss didn't kill her, and gives it back to Peeta. Either she trusts Katniss, or just thought it was a personal gift that she felt weird wearing as it wasn't hers. Maybe both. Katniss couldn't decide.

Peeta smiles, "yeah, thanks."

"No problem. Try get some sleep Peetabread."

She walked over to Finnick, who automatically reached out his arms for her, aching to hold her, and brought her in to his chest. She was asleep quickly, listening to his steady breathing.

Once it got dark and both Peeta and Jessica were soundly asleep, Finnick spoke, "how's Peeta?"

"He's okay, I think. Just dehydrated like the rest of us," she looks at Jessica, asleep in his arms, "a few years ago, when your relationship went public, I used to watch your interviews and I would just think 'I want someone to love me that much'." Finnick just smiled at her before letting his gaze fall to Jessica, asleep in his lap. He found himself memorising every last detail about her, every last mole and freckle, every scar and bruise. He looked at her as if he didn't admire her every single night before he slept.

A few moments later, the Panem anthem plays, waking the other two up.


Jessica felt relief, knowing Johanna was still alive.

Noticing Jessica had woken up, sitting up slightly to get comfortable, Finnick presses a kiss to her temple.

The familiar chiming of a sponsor gift went off.

'Drink up- H'

"I think it's a spile."

She hammers it into a nearby tree with a rock. "Come on," she mutters.

Suddenly, water starts to pour out, Katniss takes the first drink, the Peeta, then Jessica, then Finnick. They all have a drink and wash their faces, successfully hydrating themselves.

An unknown alarm went off, "I counted 12."

"Midnight?" Finnick suggests.

"Or the number of districts," Katniss adds.

They could see a big bolt of lightning hit the same tree over and over again.

"Well. If you're not gonna sleep, I will." Finnick says before walking back over to Jessica, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, holding her close, before closing his eyes to finally rest. Though it didn't last long as they were woken by Katniss screaming.

AN: I love writing lil' cute bits like this

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