C H A P T E R 6 9

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AN: quick TW- anxiety/panic attack.

The next day, after her therapy, Jessica went to train to build up her strength and saw her new friend, "Leah!"

The blonde looked up at the brunette from where she had been previously doing ab exercises on the floor, her chocolate brown eyes met Jessica sodalite blue ones, "Jessica, hey!"

"Mind if I join?" Jessica asked, walking over.

"No, not at all," the blonde beamed.

The two girls sparred for a bit, then Jessica gave Leah some tips with her knife throwing.

The girls finished half an hour before lunch to shower before meeting up with everyone in the dining hall.

Jessica walked in with Leah and led the girl over to her usual table. "Hey guys, this is my friend, Leah Connors," she introduced the girl to her friends who immediately caught on to the last name and connected the dots.

"I hope I'm not intruding," Leah spoke politely.

"No, course not, sit." Katniss replied as the girl looked at her.

The table now consisted of Katniss, Gale, Johanna, Jacob, Finnick and Jessica.

Kylo would be sat with Prim (and her mum), Mags, Annie and her husband, Callum. The six usually sat on another table as they preferred to have a more quiet lunch. Except Kylo, he goes wherever Primrose goes, it's rather sweet actually.

Jessica set her tray down on the table besides Finnick as Leah sat on her other side. The two shared a quick kiss, "hi."

"Hey," Finnick smiled.

The group fall into nostalgic conversations filled with childhood memories, Jessica zoned out. She didn't think of her childhood often. In fact, she avoided the subject as much as possible, it only brought her sadness as she missed her innocence, her father and mother, her home, the sea. The list goes on.

Noticing her quietness, Finnick placed a hand on hers under the table, "you okay?" He whispered, too quiet for the others to hear as they were submerged in conversation.

She sends him a convincing nod and smile, "yeah just thinking." No matter how convincing she appeared, Finnick could always see right through it. He could see her eyes cloud over as she got lost in her thoughts.

Just as he was about to say something else, everyone's attention turns to the new member. Peeta Mellark was being escorted over to their table by two guards. He stood in between the two men, his tray being held awkwardly in his cuffed hands.

"Nice bracelets?" Johanna says, between a question and a statement.

"Safety precaution." Peeta says in a monotonous tone, "I have to ask permission to sit," he gestures to the two guards.

"Of course you can sit, we're friends," Johanna says as she gestures to the empty spot on her other side (Jacob also being sat next to her). "We shared cells in the Capitol, we're very familiar with each other, right Jess?"

She looks over to Jessica, Finnick and Johanna notice the same cloud glossed over her eyes again as she just nods with a mumbled 'yeah', Johanna frowns. Her friend always has good banter with her, but when it came to Capitol shit, it was very hit or miss.

Jessica put down her spoon, suddenly not feeling very hungry as bile rose in her throat. She could practically hear Johanna and Peeta's screams ricocheting around her head. Everyone glances at Johanna, completely oblivious to Jessica's panic attack, as she shrugs, "what? My therapist told me to be honest and speak my true feelings," she says, obvious mock in her tone.

The thought of the Capitol, Snow, torture all became so suddenly fresh in Jessica's mind that she couldn't keep them at bay like usual. Even Finnick's hand resting on her back didn't help. She felt a cold shiver run up her spine as her leg began to shake, her heel tapping on the floor. She felt overwhelmed by the memories coursing through her brain at an alarming pace. On the outside, she seemed fine, maybe a little distracted, but you wouldn't have guessed she was having a minor panic attack.

She wrapped her arms around herself, attempting to bring herself some comfort as Finnick's arm, that had been rubbing her back, tightened around her waist.

"I'm okay," she muttered to Finnick, trying but failing to reassure the boy. After all, how do you reassure someone when you are so uncertain yourself.

Finnick placed a hand on Jessica's shaking leg, pushing it down slightly so that her heel permanently stayed on the ground to stop the inconsistent tapping as he rubbed circles on her knee with his thumb. She tried to focus on something other than the thoughts spiralling in her head.

She tried to think of good things.

Jacob, he seems happy. He spends a lot more time with Johanna which I'm sure is the main reason for his positivity. Johanna. Capitol. Torture. Nevermind, she thought.

Kylo, he seems to follow Prim around like a lovesick puppy and, according to Katniss, Prim enjoys his presence. Katniss. Peeta. Capitol. Torture. Didn't see that one coming, she thinks again.

Finnick, the man she loves, trying to sooth her as he holds her spoon (wanting her to try eat despite the idea making her want to throw up). Their wedding. Her white dress. The gorgeous coordinating rings. The beautiful cake. Cake. Peeta. Peeta? Jessica hadn't gotten round to thanking him yet, this reminded her.

She looked across the table at Peeta who had a dark, miserable look in his eyes, "Peeta," the look on his face immediately brightens slightly as he realised who was speaking to him, he too didn't enjoy the Capitol talk. "I wanted to thank you for decorating the wedding cake, it was beautiful."

"How'd you know?" His smile was genuine.

"Nobody can decorate a cake quite as well as your can, Peetabread." Peeta's smile widens.

Though she spoke in a calm, collected voice, she was still a broken, hyperventilating mess on the inside and Finnick could see it in her eyes and feel it in her tensed bouncing leg underneath his hand. "Hey, wanna go for a walk?"

He knew she wouldn't eat anymore and he had finished. Besides, she was clearly on the verge of a breakdown and he knew she'd appreciate that happening away from the curious, nosey eyes of district 13.

She nodded as she took his reaching hand and let him lead her away as they left their friends who didn't notice the couples exit. Leah, Gale and Katniss were busy chatting, Jacob was talking to Johanna and Peeta was moving his spoon through the food on his tray, glancing at the guards every now and then.

Johanna, despite being mid conversation with Jacob, still noticed her best friends leave. She had noticed Jessica's tense posture and shaky hands, and legs. She noticed the panic attack coming as Finnick guided her out the room.

She felt bad for being the cause of it but also helpless, unable to help her friend who was struggling in silence despite everything she went through in the Capitol. Even then, she tried to silence her screams if possible.

AN: I apologise if the 'pa' is in accurate, I've only experienced few personally.

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