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Jessica had recently turned 20.
Though, she didn't get much time to celebrate. She had the people she cares about come over: her siblings, her best friend Johanna (who won the 71st, they met at the Presidential Party her year), Finnick and Mags, and the rest of her team.

Johanna, who practically lived in Finnick's spare room she spends that much time in their district, and Jessica had an interesting friendship to say the least. They were both sarcastic so, when together, hell broke loose. They egged each other on, bouncing off of each other insults and sarcastic comments. They also had interesting nicknames for each other. Johanna called Jessica 'sweetheart' and Jessica called Johanna 'Darling'. Jessica was one of the last people, the other being Finnick, that she had left. The last two people who she loved. In a way, she was lucky. At least now Snow couldn't hurt her because the only people she has left to love happen to be the most loved Victors, the Capitol favourites.

It was about a month before the 72nd reaping and today was the day Jessica was coming back home since her birthday. She had been in the Capitol, entertaining Snow's 'guests' for a while, about a month. A lot had happened in that month. Snow had forced her to get an involuntary total hysterectomy. In simple terms, when entertaining Snow's guests, there was now a 0% chance of unwanted pregnancy now, or for the rest of her life. The young adult was completely fine with the 'never having kids' part, she never wanted them. She always said, 'I don't want kids, I'm gonna be the best aunt instead' but that wasn't the point. The point wasn't the outcome, it was the metaphorical meaning of it. This was just another way of Snow showing the control he has over her, and the lack of freedom she has herself and now, she'd have to go home and tell her best friends who know her too well for her to lie. The same went for her brother however, by now he had accepted the fact that if it was to do with Snow or the Capitol, she wouldn't tell him "for his own good."

She walked through the victors gates with Brayden, who over her time as a Tribute and Victor, had become one of her close friends as he cared greatly for the girl and also dressed her for all of her 'clients'. He also does pick ups and drop offs to ensure her safety as best he can.  She enters her house to find her brothers, who greeted her first, big hugs and smiles. Her young brother, Ky, was now turning 9 in over a month and was starting to get big, her older brother, Jacob, was now not only 23 years old, but in love with Jess' best friend, Johanna (who refused to accept the fact that someone loved her, in reality, she didn't want anyone else to die because they cared for her). However, her brother was the most patient person she knows, it will happen, even if he has to wait til he's 50 with grey hair, he would for her.

She then moved on to hug Johanna, "hey sweetheart, how was the Capitol", "wonderful as always, darling." Though she was being her usual, sarcastic self, Jo and Fin could immediately tell something was wrong.

Mags waved a hello from the couch where she was now sat with Kylo.

Finnick embraces her in a tight hug. He hates to see what this is doing to her. It's slowly sucking the life out of her, though she won't show it. She put a smile on her face nonetheless, "Hey Finn."

She spends a few hours with her family before, reluctantly, dragging herself over to Finnick's house where she knew he and Johanna would be waiting for her.

She opens the door, knowing she doesn't need to knock before following their voices to the living room. She sits herself down next to Johanna.

"What happened Princess?" Finnick asks in his soft toned, concerned voices that he only ever used with Jessica.

Jessica clears her throat, pushing back the tears threatening to fall, "President Snow was starting to get concerned about the whole sex/pregnancy thing so.." she didn't know a good way to say it so it ended up escaping from her mouth as more of a word vomit, "he made me get an involuntary total hysterectomy." By this time, her eyes had fallen to look at her fingers in her lap until they absentmindedly found the pebble necklace around her neck.

She was brought back to reality when she felt Johanna's arm wrap around her, bringing her into a half hug, "shit, I know you didn't want kids but that sucks. Sorry sweetheart."

Seeing the conflict in Finnicks eyes, she decides to give the two some privacy as she goes up to 'her room'.

He moved from his seat on the couch to sit next to her, and wordlessly brings her into a hug as she rests her head in the crook of his neck. He stroked her hair with one hand, one wrapped around her body whilst she had both her hands resting against his chest. He leans back into the couch, bringing her close enough that they are both comfortable and that she's almost in his lap. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"No it's not, I know what it's about, the freedom. The choice. Listen to me, you can't let him win okay? Don't let him control you."

She just nods as a reply before they both fall asleep. This has become a sort of routine for the friends. Sleeping in each other's arms, they seemed to keep each other's nightmares at bay. Whenever Jess would go to the Capitol without Finnick, she would always have nightmares but as soon as she was home in his arms, they dissipated into thin air, the same for Finnick.

AN: who hates Snow?🙋‍♀️  this is also a hint that Finnick and Jessica will never have kids (I don't like kids/babies very much lol)

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