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Once they are out of the Command room, they start walking towards Peeta's room.

"I don't believe we have formally met, I'm Boggs," he introduces himself.

"Jessica, pleasure to meet you." They walked down the corridor as she turns to look at Haymitch, "good to see you again Haymitch, it's been too long, shame we can't go out and get a drink huh?" Jessica smirks to her old friend.

"Don't remind me." Haymitch sighs but sends her a happy smile.

They get to Peeta's room and stand in front of the one way glass. They see Peeta thrashing against the bed, pulling at the restraints. It's a horrible sight.

Though she can't fully speak yet due to her run in with Peeta, the Mockingjay managed a quiet "thank you". The raven haired girl was genuinely grateful.

Jessica squeezed Finnick's hand reassuringly, ever since she came back, Finnick hates to leave her, he is constantly stressed out and on edge when she's not with him, "I won't be long, okay?" He nods in reply, sending her a weak smile.

She knocks on the door politely, causing Peeta to stop thrashing and whip his head to where the sound was coming from, his eyes wide with terror.

She took a deep breathe before slowly opening the door, stepping in and closing it behind her, "hey Peetabread," she spoke in a soft tone.

"Jess," he sighs out her name in relief. "Where are we?"

She walks over, pulling a seat from against the wall over to the bed before sitting down, "district 13, we were rescued."

"My family hasn't come to see me," Peeta says, lost in thought. "There was an attack on 12. My family."

"I heard the bakery didn't survive. I'm so sorry, Peeta," she answered.

There was a pause as Peeta looked off into space, his eyes seemed to darken.

"It's Katniss." He whispers sharply. "It's because of Katniss."

"Peeta-" Jessica tries to reason with him.

"She's dangerous, Jessica, you have to stay away from her, you have to! She's a liar!" He kept shouting the words repeatedly as he starts to thrash against the bed like a shark in water. "She's a monster, a mutt made to destroy us!

Jessica reached over, placing her hand on top of his, "shhh, okay. Okay, Peeta, I'll stay away. It's alright." She used her other hand to push some of the hair out of his eyes, "Orange, bread, paint, pearl, bake, strong, kind, twelve," at the mantra, Peeta's body eventually completely relaxed.

Katniss, Haymitch, Finnick and Plutarch watched from behind the glass. Plutarch had joined right after she had gone in and had gave Boggs a message meaning he had to leave. They four watched in amazement at how easily the brunette had been able to calms the unstable blonde.

After about twenty minutes of sitting and talking with Peeta, she decided to leave whilst everything was on a positive note, "okay I've gotta go now Peeta, okay? I'll be back tomorrow to see you again if that's okay with you?."

She sent him a smile which he returned, nodding, before leaving the room and hearing it automatically lock behind her. Finnick was immediately at her side again, his arm around her waist just below her almost fully healed back as she send him a smile.

"That was good progress, we can work with this," Plutarch smiles.

The went back to the Command room to see Coin. Once Plutarch had filled her in, she faced Jessica, "well done, you did a good job."

"With all due respect, I'm not doing a job. I'm concerned for my friends well-being."

Katniss watched, smiling in adoration. It had taken so long for her to pluck up the courage to confront Coin to make her rescue her friends and here Jessica is, openly talking back to Coin without even a second though or doubt. She admires that about the girl.

It became a routine that Jessica, instead of having a daily schedule to do a job, would go visit Peeta for an hour a day and then take the rest of the day to either visit her friends or just rest. Her physical injuries had almost completely healed so she would soon have to fill half her time with training again.

AN: I rlly like how Peeta and Jessica's relationship has developed.

Also, didn't upload yesterday (22/5) bc it was my bday (I GOT THE HG BOOKS!!) so double upload today :))

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