Part III--Chapter 1

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Actually, I've skipped ahead a chapter or two for you, to get you into the thick of things faster. So welcome aboard Colt's private jet. Fasten your seat belts...

I hugged Bonnie and Kelli, and then I got hold of my babies and crushed those little suckers against me like I was going to be locked up for life or something. We'd had such a great time becoming a little family with Wyatt that week that it was harder than usual, letting them go.

But I finally put them in the stroller and wiped my eyes and ran the drill for Bonnie and Kelli.

"So, we'll be back on the first," I said. "Kinda late, but I'll text as soon as we get in."

"It was on ET last night," Kelli told me. "They interviewed some rap guy who was arriving at the hotel. It's huge!How many towers?"

"There'll be a live feed all the time, so you can see it for yourself," I said. "You got the password?"

"Che sends it every week."

Ty called "Da" to me, so I leaned down and kissed him on the top of the head. His eyes were sort of fearful. They're not stupid, little kids. They know everything. Feel everything. So I know they knew I was upset about leaving them. And I guess he was trying to make me feel better, bless him.

Bonnie looked down at them and said, "It won't be too long, sweetie..."

And I put my hand on her shoulder and said, "I want you to go out'n' do some stuff. Anything! Shop, if that's all you can think of-use that card I gave you."

"I don't feel right flashin' a card like that. It freaks people out. Or they start handing it around because it's metal," she said.

"So don't shop! Just...walk or something. If you hole up in that house you'll just get all sad again," I said. And then I tried, "I wish you could come with us. Would you like to come with us?"

"CPS'd have a coronary," she said. "I'm spending a lotta time with you all of a sudden. That's...what's that they call it?"

"Undue influence," Kelli reminded us.

"Buncha bullshit," I said. And then I kissed her cheek and she patted mine and smiled.

And to Kelli, I said, "Get 'er outta that house, okay?"

"I'll think of something," she told me. "Knock 'em dead!"

"Oh, we turnt up to the nines, girl. Watch the feeds."

"He doesn't have a clue, does 'e? Big?"


We had a little laugh, but couldn't say too much because the Big man was already on the plane. So I gave her a little peck, too, and started to walk off.

And that's when Taylor screeched and started reaching for me with both arms. Which made Ty start bawling his head off and I started tearing up and trying not to look back or anything. But finally, I turned around and waved just as I got to the steps of the jet-no red carpets in our "real world." They only do that when we're in some big city or something.

And as I'm standing there feeling like the biggest bastard who ever lived for leaving them, Aisha came down the steps and got hold of my arm and said, "Papi, you makin' it worse."

"If that's possible," I said. But I forced myself up the steps and gave Gwen, the flight attendant, a smiley sigh. And she gave me a pat on the shoulder and said, "I've got some liquid courage on ice..."

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