Part III--Chapter 25

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What IS it about final chapters? Just when I want to go racing toward the big finish, I realize there's another subplot or something else that I have to address before I can do that. This chapter deals with some of those things as simply as possible, but I'm glad this is just the first draft so that I can go back and do some of this in a less haphazard way later!

It's still kind of fun, though, and his reunion with Lakesha and her crew will tickle some of you who know their story. The next chapter is going to be a hoot for sure--you'll see why when you get to that part. Enjoy the updates, for now.

And the song is for baby boy Ty, by the way. You'll "get it" in a minute...

It started like what was becoming a normal day for us, after a couple of weeks. Until Mike came sashaying in half nekked.

I mean, there I was really enjoying just feeding the kids—okay, I'm gonna get all squishy on you here, so just bear with me. But those first days after I became their father legally, the silliest stuff just got to me. I was totally mesmerized by everything they did.

I mean, I'd spent a lot of time with them all along, but you know how you hear people say the same thing about getting married? That everything sort of gets more serious once it's legal? I believe that now.

Cause just watching how they chewed something or how their little fingers pinched up a cracker off the high chair tables or learning the difference between the way Taylor drank from a sippy cup and the way Ty did—I could hear Ty swallowing louder than Taylor—fascinated the hell out of me. I could watch them do any little thing, and get all choked up.

So Mike bopping in there in her little boxer briefs and bra kind sort of killed my buzz. No, really, I know there are millions of men who would've changed places with me in a heartbeat, but I was in full daddy mode those days.

So I go, "Yo! I'm not alone here."

And for a minute she just sort of hung there, like she didn't understand English anymore. But then I saw the problem dawn on her a little bit. Although just to be contrary, as she was going to the fridge for something, she gave me this over the shoulder wink and bent over just enough to twerk it a little bit.

And then Taylor let out this squealy little laugh and pointed to Ty, who was sitting there with his head cocked to one side, watching Mike's butt like he wasn't exactly sure what it was doing but whatever it was doing he was down with it.

And Mike said, "Well, we know he likes girls now."

"But his expectations are gonna be 'way too high, though," I told her. As a peace offering for being such a jerk to her.

She came over and kissed me on the top of the head and said, "Good! Only the best for my boys," on her way back out of the room with her yogurt. My yogurt. I couldn't keep anything in that fridge long.

She passed Bonnie on the way out and Bonnie turned to watch her for a minute and then looked at me and said, "See, now that's just not fair."

"What's that?" I asked her, as she sat down with her first big morning mug of coffee.

We'd taken to meeting in my master suite kitchen since that's where I always took the kids. I had it put in so that I didn't have to go all the way to the real kitchen if I wanted something while I was hanging out in my master bedroom, which is kind of like a little apartment on its own, I have to admit.

The girls sort of didn't want me to have a kitchen in it at first, even if it was just a little one. They thought I'd hole up in there too much. But I didn't. I mean, I had three hot as hell women who walked around in boxer briefs and bras—and even less—out there, waiting to twerk for me. I'm no fool.

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