Not just one but two

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He came, he killed them, he tried to kill us too. Myself and my brother Harry. My name is Farrah Snow Potter, but everyone insists on calling me Jade. My eyes are a nice green color, but my hair is raven. We were born almost exactly one year apart, but couldn't look any different then the other. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

My brother doesn't know it but we're wizards. After our parents were murdered we had gotten sent to go live with our aunt and her family, they aren't nice to us, and they abuse us, and they hate us but it's only because they fear us. It could be worse, we could've gotten separated. We could've died.

We now live under the stairs together. There's only one bed, but we don't mind sharing. Being together is the  only thing that makes us feel safe, we both have the lightning scar. From when we almost got killed ourselves. Now he's almost 11 years old. I always take the hit so that Harry doesn't have to.

We're the best of friends and the only one that we have. He's the more logical one of us, and I love magic. He's negative about everything, we can look like we're no different but our personalities are different, even if any weaknesses either one of us may have are the same. I've brushed up against his side a few times, and he's always jumped back fighting off a small smile or chuckle, but he always tries to get me. I always yelp, and cover my mouth so that I don't laugh, and get us in trouble.

We're like those movie siblings, closer like best friends then actual siblings could ever dream to be. The only friends we have are each other. It's not fair, he always has the upper hand, I bet I would if I used my magic, but I don't know how to use it really. I can only hope our lives, and our luck will change. That we'll get out of here one way or another. You just have got to have hope when it comes to things like this. Well wish us luck. Magic awaits!

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