Sneak in and sneak back out how hard can it be?

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Not too terribly hard if you ask me, when you've got as many powers as me as I do that is. Now here we 5 all were sneaking about way past curfew, hoping not to get caught, and in magic handcuffs none the less in order to stay together. Thanks to Hagrid and his big mouth we knew where we were going, what was going to be in our way, what we were looking for and how to defeat our obstacles. Not to mention survive the night and not get in trouble for it later.

As long as we were all back before sunrise. It was a good thing we had our own room, since otherwise we'd have to sneak past Neville, we really can be scary sometimes, and that meant we weren't to be dealt with. Kind of like the troll, and that lead me back to questioning how I even got the broom in the first place, or the magic cell phone that Harry and I both received. These little gifts here and there, yet no one has signed their name at the bottom or given any clues as to who they are.

See either that or I'm just oblivious and clueless which could be the problem all on its own as well. Back to the matter at hand, sneaking in and out, find the trap door, and go into it, find Fluffy, play the music for him to put him to sleep, look for the stone and make sure it hasn't been stolen, and if Snape's down there, figure out what he'd doing there and report to it, without getting anyone in trouble. Which would be more easily said than done.

But baby steps here. When we get there though, Fluffy is already sleeping, we suspect that Snape is up to no good, and we have to move Fluffy' s paw in order to reach the trap door. Hoping not to wake the beast. With the dog already asleep, that's both good and bad news, bad news stone wise, good news less work for us. Right? Nope, Fluffy wakes up, we jump through the trap door and get trapped in vines, Hermione and I relax and sink through the bottom, we make the guys trust us and do as we say.

We now come to a room with bird shaped keys we needed one that opened the door, we found a broken winged one and a couple of broomsticks, when Harry and I grab a hold on whichever one we see best fits us, we try to get the key but the keys really are like birds and make things more difficult on us by flying away. Well this just complicated just about everything. Once we are free, we run into another room, made of giant wizard chess.

Ooh, come on Jack, we've got this one! It will be like a rematch! No, we have to work together on this one, its the only way out! Soon we're almost done, but Ron must sacrifice himself in order for the rest of us to move on, in order to stop Snape! We finish the game, we win, we can continue now, but we leave the other 3 behind so that Harry and I can continue on. We'll be ok, its our friends we're worried about.

But it wasn't Snape we found waiting for us. It was Quarrel, our scars hurt us, sensing we are now in danger, that Snape had only been trying to protect us both, and that he was the one trying to kill us. Everything we knew was a lie and there was still more V- was part of him, it wasn't just Quarrel. V- needed a human body, a way to keep an eye on us. A way to attempt to kill us again.

The mirror is here, Quarrel wonders what we see and how to use the mirror, we look into it and see us with the stone and our reflection winks at us. But we must lie in order to keep it away and in safe hands. But V- wants to take full control of Quarrel. He wants to kill us, he wants the stone, that he knows we now have. Harry, run I'll hold him off, don't worry about me, run and don't look back, no matter what happens to me, you will be fine.

Fire emits the room, we are trapped. Go Harry, find a way out! Not without you! You have to! I cough. I keep coughing. Quarrel is supposed to kill me. I have the stone, its me they want, you can go Harry, be free. Not without you! I'm your protector and your older sister, now do it Harry, do it, do as I say! You will be fine, it is my job to risk my life for you! Quarrel turns to dust, and ash, V- is still too weak on his own, but wants us to join him.

But that will never happen. Dark magic that lies inside me, and the good magic of the stone is what keeps us both alive this time, but he will be back. Too much smoke and fire. Harry, take the stone! I toss it to him. Farrah! He calls out to me, but his voice doesn't reach my ears I blacken out. Harry will be fine, I will soon be ok, it was my job as a protector, and his sister to protect him with my life, he was protected. I now lay unconscious in the hospital wing, but what I have done, stopped V- again at least for now. He will be back, he will be back.

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