You're a wizard Harry

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Harry that's one of the characters from my dream. I whispered over at him. He turned to me as I shrunk back. Who- who are you? Why Farrah and Harry, I haven't seen either of you since you were both just small babies. How old are ya now Farrah 12? So Harry must be 11. My name is Hagrid, I'm the key keeper watcher over of the school Hogwarts, but of course you know all about that don't ya?

No, I'm sorry, I don't. You mean it's real? Real as the nose on my face darlin', Harry didn't you ever wonder where your mother and father learned it? Learned what? Why magic of course my boy, Harry, you and Farrah are wizards. And pretty darn good wizards I'd say with a little bit of.... He turned to me.... Legal and supervised practice. No I think you're mistaking, but we're normal just Farrah and Harry, besides magic isn't real.

Actually Harry, I mumbled as I took my wand out of my boot. You know that cake we just tried to eat, that I said I made for you? Yeah? And you know how I get up early in the morning and made you breakfast? I did and do everything I can with magic, behind everyone's backs. I-including yours I said turning away with a sad *sigh* I'm sorry Harry.

Farrah, no he said turning my face back to look at him, you're the only person that ever took care of me, I love you, I'm not upset with you, you did what you did to protect me. Harry, I was supposed to go to Hogwarts last year on my onw 11th birthday, but I couldn't leave you here alone, they knew that, so I never got a letter until now so that we could go be first years together.

Harry, listen to me, have you made anything happen, and you couldn't explain it? Harry read over his letter, it was our acceptance letter to go study at the school of wizardry of the school of Hogwarts, in other words far, far away from this stupid evil place. Hagrid and our "family" argued about us going. But why IDK, since they always hated us and never wanted anything to do with us.

I suppose a muggle like yourself is gonna try to stop me? A muggle. A non magic folk Harry I whispered to him. Now, come along fellow Potters we have much to do, you are both destined for greatness. Your names have been written down ever since you both were born. Now, unless you'd both rather stay here, I suggest you come along with me.

Hagrid brought us away, as we traveled around London, preparing to get ready to go to school. So we can really find all these things in London? Harry asked. Sure we can, if we know the right places to go. At school the children there have the opportunity to have with them an animal complain, like rats or owls or normal kinds of pets like cats.

It says here we will be equipped with our very own size two pewter cauldron. That's right Harry. We go into a bar, where everyone knows Hagrid. Hello Hagrid, oh hello Farrah Potter, this isn't your normal day. They know you here? What, you think I stay there in bed all night long?

No, sir not today Hagrid and I and my brother are all on strictly Hogwarts business only today. Why, that's right Harry and Farrah Potter its nice to finally meet you both. Nice to meet you too.... Doris, my name is Doris. H-Harry and Farrah P-Potter. Ah, Quirrell didn't see ya there. Farrah Harry, this is professor Quirrell, he will be your defense against dark arts teacher.

Come along now you two we've got many place to be and much to buy. Ooh Harry look at its the Nimbus 2000! It's a magic flying broom the fastest and newest model of its kind, wow I wish I had one, I wish I had a broom at all, and not have to use it to clean up anything. You'll get your chance Farrah, just wait.

Harry, and Farrah this is Diagon Alley. Unless of course you already knew that Farrah? Yeah, Snow how do you know so much? I've read about this stuff in fantasy books. Where do you get the money? Well, I got a job after school. I get paid a great sum of money, just enough to help us survive I use most of it on you, I don't need anything else but you Harry and then I'm happy

I'm happy to have you too, it's hard to believe what could possibly happen to us if we never had each other. Oh Farrah don't put such thoughts in my head. Well here we are. The wizard bank where all your money is kept safe and sound. What are those things? Why, Harry they're goblins of course.

They're hard workers, but not very friendly creatures. Except one. Oh Griffin. Why, Farrah it's nice to see you again. Are you here to make a withdraw? Indeed we are. Griffin this is my brother Harry, the one I was telling you about. It's nice to meet you Mr. Potter. Hagrid do the Potter's have their key?

How have you gotten in to get money without your key, I have it here? I ask politely. Hagrid speaks with one of the other goblins, and tells him what Dumbledore gave him to put away in its special spot. Hagrid, Farrah, where can KI get a wand? Right this way. Are you coming Hagrid. No, I'll be back in a moment, you take him, I have Hogwarts business to attend to.

I nod my head. Come on Harry I said pulling him along. Hello Olli. Farrah Potter, welcome back, it seems just yesterday that I was giving your parents their first wand and you, your very own. One of the ones with phoenix? Yes, it works fine still, thank you. Why, Harry it seems that that wand has picked you Mr. Potter, Phoenix just like your sister, you all are destined for great things that lie ahead of you. You will be great wizards I know it.

Thank you Olli, you're too kind. Well let's go Harry, I'm sure Hagrid is ready for us by now. Goodbye Olli. Goodbye Potter's oh and Happy Birthday to you both, I know yours was a few days back, but I haven't seen you in a while. It's ok Olli, we celebrate together anyways. Well goodbye children have a magical day.

We will, goodbye.... Farrah that, you know who that gave us the scar, you know who he is don't you? I know I've heard the name, once or twice before. But we never, ever speak his name. And besides, its just not my place to tell you Harry, I'm terribly sorry. Right Hagrid? That's right, oh Farrah you remind me of your mother in so many ways, you're even just as beautiful, I remember your parents as if it was yesterday that I'd seen them.

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