Chapter 14

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I thought I could tolerate walking in Izzy's presence, that was until she decided to open her mouth. She kept asking me where we were going to stay this time, and how long it was going to take.

"Are we there yet?" She asked me every second, driving me insane.

Kidnapping was more stressful and difficult than I thought. Dealing with her started to feel harder than the actual kidnapping part. She finally stopped asking me the same questions but quickly replaced them with something much, much worse.

"You know, you're quite a good fighter," she complimented me one time.

"You know, you actually are good-looking," she said another time.

"I trust you now, I believe you're on my side. Partner," she said yet another time.

I didn't know what her plan was, but if it was to irritate me then she was doing an incredible job. I was tempted more than once to knock her out and drag her the rest of the way. If only I had some tape, that would solve all of my problems. 

"By the way, where are we going?" She asked again.

"Doesn't matter," I sighed for the hundredth time.

"Oh come on, Slayer," she said. "Just tell me," she added with a sweeter tone, hitting her hip against mine.

What the blades was she doing?

I whipped my head in her direction and I just stared at her, aghast. Offended. Horrified. She was trying to coax me, I realised, and she was doing the complete opposite right now. 

"Don't do that ever again," I warned her.

"Ay ay captain," she responded with a smile that irked me all the more. She didn't know how close I was to tying her to a tree and leaving her for vampires. "So you're not going to tell me where we are?"

I knew she only wanted to know where we were so she could come up with some kind of plan to escape. She couldn't run away even if she escaped me because she didn't even know where she was, so she was trying to get that information out of me. I just exhaled and continued walking, completely ignoring her questions while keeping a reasonable distance away from her.

It was as if we switched roles. I was supposed to be the one to annoy her, but she was doing an unbearably great job annoying me. I hated it. She was just as good at irking me as I was at irking her and if I had known that before I would have come up with a different plan rather than kidnapping her and having to deal with this.

"By the way, Slayer," she suddenly said politely, "Is there going to be a potty break anytime soon?"

I stopped, and she bumped into my back, that action breaking whatever resolve I had. I spun around and grabbed her by the shoulders, pinning her back against a tree. 

"Just stop talking, Izzy." I was supposed to sound intimidating, but I couldn't help but feel like I was begging. Could she get any more immature? What kind of normal person said 'potty break'?

Izzy's lips quirked upward, realising she had gotten under my skin. "Stop calling me Izzy."

In a desperate effort to get her to shut up, I said with as much menace in my voice, "I could kill you right now."

She leaned forward, forcing me to lean back, and whispered, "you could, but you won't, 'cause you need me."

What did I even expect from her? 

I groaned, releasing her shoulders and continued walking again.

"So, what about that potty break?" She asked again, skipping beside me, "I kinda need to pee."

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