Chapter 19

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I was fully aware of the Slayer's eyes on me as I played with my new fluffy, golden-furred companion, but when I looked at him he didn't even bother to look away. Our eyes made contact and I had to force myself not to look away.

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked.

"Why not?"

"Am I so pretty you can't take my eyes off of me?"

He grinned, then stopped as if he didn't mean to. "Don't flatter yourself, Izzy, there's nothing else to watch in here."

"Watch yourself."

"Why would I do that when I can watch a vile animal and its pretty pet."

My brows scrunched. It took me a second to get the comment, but when I did I snarled, "you're not funny."

He chuckled, "I happen to think I am."

"Think again."

He grinned again, leaning forward and resting his chin against a fist, "are you offended?"

I scoffed, "you wish." But I was, just a little, which was weird because I had never been offended by anything the Slayer said because I didn't care about his opinion, so why did I feel bitter all of a sudden? I couldn't deny that it was a witty comment, but I couldn't deny my slight resentment either.

His grin widened, and I inwardly cursed myself for failing to keep my face impassive. He could read my offence and was going to tease me so hard about it.

"Are you offended because I called the dog vile?" He asked. "Or because I called you a pet?"

It took me yet another second to get what he meant, but when I did my heart did a full flip in my chest. I forced myself to snarl again and say, "you're not funny."

He didn't answer, but neither did he look away. The intensity of his stare sent goosebumps across my skin, and it was hard to look away. He was looking at me like he either wanted to kill me or do something else I couldn't figure out.

"What are you looking at?" I finally asked, and he suddenly startled, blinking as if he had been unaware that he was watching me.

"Nothing," he said too quickly, looking at the dog now.

He clenched and unclenched his fists as if trying to stop himself from doing something. Killing me, most probably. He suddenly stood.

"I'm going to sleep—" he suddenly paused, his jaw clenched, and I realised why.

There was only one bed, and I wasn't going to sleep tied up to a chair like I had the first night. I had agreed to fight with him so tying me up was not an option.

The Slayer turned and faced me, then his gaze looked to the couch and then back to me. It wasn't near long enough to accommodate either of us and it was sure to give us a stiff neck, which wouldn't be acceptable because we both had to be in good shape in case we encountered more vampires. And neither of us could sleep on the floor because there was only one mattress and not enough blankets.

There was no way to compromise. 

As if reading my understanding of the situation, the Slayer gritted out, "Left or right?"

I sighed but said, "left," through clenched teeth.

The Slayer turned around and went to the right side of the bed. He immediately started removing his shirt.

My breath caught at the sight of his skin—his back and the way his muscles shifted with the movement—then he suddenly looked back at me, revealing his front. His skin was so clear, so beautifully brown, and his abs were so defined. So solid. So hot.

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