Chapter 15

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The Slayer finally dropped his guard.

The rope he had tied wasn't securely fastened around my hands and I knew that with enough effort, I would be able to free myself. I didn't look back again as I ran towards the cabin, afraid he would read something on my expression. As soon as I entered the cabin I began fiddling with my hands, trying to free them from the rope. Eventually, they slipped out, and as soon as they did I rushed and started rummaging through all of the drawers until I found a knife.

It was small but it had a deadly point, which was better than nothing.

I stood behind the door, waiting for the Slayer to step inside. I calmed my breathing so that I could hear his footsteps as he approached, and as soon as stepped over the threshold, I leapt toward him and sunk the knife into his chest. He tried to say something but failed, choking on his blood. I had to use more effort because of the small size of the weapon, but eventually, I hit my target.

I yanked the knife from his body and he crumbled to the ground with a hard thud

"Enemies can't suddenly start working together," I said, my heart pounding from adrenaline. "And you learnt that the hard way." I bent down, wiping my hands of his blood before stripping him of his weapons. 

When I finally had all his weapons, I left the cottage and his body, knowing the Tergots would appear in no time and take care of him. I ran as fast as I could out of the cabin and in the direction we had come from. I was suddenly full of energy despite the long journey we had just done. It was probably the adrenaline fuelling me.

I ran, and ran, and ran until I couldn't run anymore. I slowed my pace and eventually leaned against a tree as I caught my breath. I couldn't believe I had done it. I killed him, I finally killed him. The Masked Slayer was officially no more. 

I knew it would take some time for me to get back to Lilliville, especially since I had no idea where I was, but I would get there eventually, and that was all that mattered. A twig snapped and I immediately spun around, unsheathing my sword as I searched the trees. Another twig snapped and the grass ruffled. Something was coming, but it wasn't being stealthy at all. 

Finally, a figure appeared. It was a human, and judging by their limp, they were injured and completely oblivious of my presence. It was a male, with hair that was trimmed on the sides and...


That was Alek!

"Alek!" I called.

His head whipped in my direction, startled.

"Izel?" He narrowed his eyes and then began limping in my direction when he was sure it was me. "Izel!"

I ran toward him, greeting him with an embrace and his arms wrapped tightly around me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Me? Are you?" I asked back, noticing the blood on his uniform.

"I... "His body trembled slightly in my arms. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking at him intently.

He sighed, his voice fragile as he told me, "Everyone's dead, Izel."

"...What?" I asked.

"The vampires got to us, they ambushed us and..." He swallowed. "I barely escaped."

"Everyone?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"Everyone." He confirmed with a sorrowful tone. "I just wish you were there, to help protect the village. If you were then maybe—"

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