Chapter 42

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The rain hadn't died down even by the time I returned. 

"These will do till your clothes dry," I told Izzy, handing her the clothes.

"Thanks," she made sure not to touch me as she took the clothes.

I wondered how long she was going to be able to keep up that front of hers. I couldn't help but wonder that if I kissed her, would she kiss me back?

I put on the dry shirt I'd bought for myself, then turned around.

"Why are you turning around?" She asked.

"Why?" I faced her, "Do you want to face each other as we change?"

"I—no, I meant—that's not what I meant."

I already knew that, I just enjoyed teasing her. "As you can see there's no bathroom in this cabin and you need to change out of those clothes of yours."

She looked around, only noticing now that there was no bathroom, "what kind of cabin doesn't have a bathroom?"

I shrugged then turned around again, "you turn around too so I can change."

"Let me just—wait," she considered, "how can I trust you won't peak?"

"Peak?" I faced her again.

"You could turn around while I have my back to you for all I know," she crossed her arms over her chest.

"The fact that such a thought passed your mind means you were thinking of doing just that."

"I—" she stopped, flustered.

"Dirty, dirty Izzy," I laughed, "But fine, now that I don't trust you enough, you face my back while you change, and then I'll face yours when I change to make sure you don't peak." I turned around again. "Go ahead."

There was a slight pause before I heard the ruffle of clothes and knew she had started changing. She removed her wet shirt, then dropped it to the ground, and then put on the dry one. Then she began—

"Can you stop making so much noise?"

"I didn't say anything."

"Change quieter, I can hear everything."

"Then block your ears," she suggested.

"That won't help much."

She didn't answer but continued changing and I could still hear everything. "Done."

"Now you turn around so I can change my pants."

She turned around, and I got my wet pants off, putting on the dry ones.

"Okay, I'm done," she faced me again and we stood facing each other in silence for some time. "Warm enough?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, they'll d—" her words were cut off when a sudden abnormal sound escaped her mouth.

"What the hell was that?"

"I sneezed."

"That was not a sneeze," I couldn't help the pull of my lips.

"Yes, it was—" the irregular sound cut off her words again.

"Tell me that's not how you actually sneeze," my voice was breaking as I failed to hide my amusement. I bit my bottom lip, trying to suppress my laugh but my lips started quivering.

"Are you trying not to laugh right now?" She asked, analysing me.

"Of course...I'm not."

"Why are you turning your back on me then? I can see your shoulders shaking!"

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