Another world, another bad life

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>>Elayne (Sorin)

A funeral,
This is the first thing I attend after coming to my senses after death.

Oh! Not my own though, not anyone attending mine either. I mean yeah I died, or I think I did. I'm sure I did... That is probably why I'm here...

It was a normal average day of my boring life and I found out I had failed a class in college. I was never a smart person, just an average- average twenty years old girl but still, I tried my best though, but at the same time, I also didn't have the best of luck in life.

Right before my calculus exam I got a fever and I couldn't study at all and because I'm not an intelligent one, I didn't remember much from the lectures, I'm not smart either so I did try my best to jog my memory in the exam and was able to get something written but still ended up failing anyway.


Exams were over so I drank with the only two friends I had, cried myself out, cursed the professor and was on the way back to my apartment when I met with an unfortunate accident.
Like I said, I didn't really have the best of luck in life.

Turns out I wasn't the only one drunk, a truck driver was too. I actually don't know that, but the way he was driving sure did indicate it and boom. He bashes into me at full speed and there I am, lying on the road in the middle of the night, bleeding out with so many regrets circling in my mind.

I hadn't achieved much in life. Hell! I hadn't achieved anything at all! I was a complete and utter disappointment to myself. I don't know about my parents, they were neutral with everything, good folks really, but I knew they weren't proud of me. I barely managed to get into a community college after all and I didn't have a single achievement in life.

I'm not saying it was a bad life, it just wasn't a good one either.

And when I thought that everything was finished, there would be no more of me or anything, I woke up again.

It was a drastic feeling, like I was drowning and trying to catch onto some straws to survive. I saw myself fade into darkness but I didn't want everything to just end.

I didn't want to die!!

With a loud gasp I woke up, only to find myself in a big, weird, fancy room that had no lights and the curtains were drawn.

With heavy breaths, I looked around for anything familiar, but every single thing in that room was foreign to me. Every single thing.Even the person in the mirror.

I got up from the bed and walked to the full length mirror to look at the weird picture it was showing me.

It was hard to grasp at first, who was this man in the mirror? Why was he wearing old British royal type clothes? And why was he so pretty when he was a man? It took me a while to realize that the person in the mirror was none other than me.

Well, it was a mirror, so it did make sense.

But at the same time, It didn't make any sense? I'm a girl? I had shoulder length dark brown hair and eyes but this man, this man in the mirror had short blonde gray hair and green eyes?
Just what is happening? Did I switch souls with someone? There was no one else in the room but me and the person in the mirror was mimicking my every move so that meant it was me too but, how? I'm in a new body?

My heartbeat began to accelerate.
What is happening here?

It was a few seconds after that, that I realized that the body I was in may look like it belonged to a pretty boy but it was in fact a woman's. The realization came to me when I noticed I was wearing a chest binder under my shirt and most certainly had a vagina between my legs.

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