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The evening progressed as I sat on my fancy folding chair which was a few steps above the ballroom floor. High enough that I could see everyone from here enjoying my party without including me.

There was no one who was personally approaching me. Every guest that came in, greeted me from down the stairs formally and went on their way to enjoy their night.

I looked at Kaan who was surrounded by many diplomats. Since it was officially announced that the Demon Lord was attending the party and that diplomatic relationships were going to be formed with the demon kingdom many noblemen saw this as an opportunity and tried to get friendly with him.

It’s good though. I’m not mad at all, other than the fact that he’s all hogged up and there were questions I had to ask him myself, I’m quite relieved.
This is way better than what I had expected.  Although, I can see many people looking at him with scorn because demons are here as slaves and if we go for diplomatic relations with them, many of them must have caught on that things will no loger go according to their wishes.

I don’t really know if Leonidas has talked to the nobles about abolishing demon slavery but I’m sure many must have caught onto this happening in the future.

The guards are specifically told to guard the Demon king and to not let anything happen to him at all, may it be as simple as someone dropping something on him. Special instructions were given to not let any mistakes happen around him at all.

I took a glance around and saw a bunch of royal soldiers around Kaan, dressed in casual attire, keeping an eye on anything suspicious.

It made me smile.
Well, they’re royal guards for a reason. They may not be fond of me, but they’re loyal to the title of ‘king’ and their country.

I looked at kaan again and smiled. I’ve done it right?
The terrible future where I die at an unknown place in the middle of the forest won’t happen right?
I wonder though, who’s the demon who kills me in the future? Was it one of those two sitting with August?

I nodded to myself.
There’s a high chance of that. But, I remember that hand that went through me was clean, there was no fur on it. So it definitely wasn’t that Yali. Could it be the other person? Or is it someone I don’t even know?

Oh well, it won’t be happening anymore, so I don’t have to think about it now.
I looked around for Leroy. I hadn’t seen him at all since the party started but while I was looking for him. Someone else caught my attention.


He was standing and chatting with a bunch of nobles of various ages. I could see how everyone was so lively around him but as soon as I looked at him, my heart dropped.

I’m scared.
How far did we go? I didn’t deflower him did I? Anxiety began to fill me up. That would be the most horrible situation if that did happen. Even worse because I remember none of it.

I can’t tell by myself because a succubus heals the body immediately when it comes to any sexual pain. I checked myself and didn’t find any marks but considering I was with Leon, I doubt he’d ever leave marks in a situation like that especially.

I kept my eyes on him and took a deep breath.

It wouldn’t hurt to try and talk to him. It might actually not be as bad as I’m thinking.
I nodded to myself and stood up from my chair, I causally descended the stairs as I gestured to a waiter who was serving drinks to come my way.

When I reached the floor, I took two glasses of champagne, held them from the stem and started to make my way towards Leonidas.

It didn’t take me long of course and I stood in front of him in a matter of seconds but the thing is, I was being stupid here. I shouldn’t have approached him at all, not with this many people around us.

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