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I woke up when the morning sun rays hit my face only to find myself fallen off of someone’s bed with only the bed sheet covering my private parts.

What the hell?

I sat up on the floor, grabbing the sheet to tie around me as I scratched my throbbing head. The last thing I remember is drinking with the demon lord like crazy.
I tapped my head a few times but nothing else came to mind other than the terrible headache.

“Oh shit…” I heard the bed sheet rustle and the bed move and I immediately knew someone was still in the room with me. So I stood up to see who I had slept with. I mean, what other explanation could there be for me to be butt naked in a bedroom and the other person is still here too. This kind of thing happens often with me and I really should try and control myself.

I stood up to look at the other person, only to find the worst possible person in front of me.

“Fuck,” We both said the same word as we looked at each other in horror, “No!!” There was disgust on both of our faces.

I refuse to believe it.
I will never believe it!

Kaan and I stood in front of each other with the most pale and horrified expression one could have.

I felt like barfing and he almost did.

I looked down at myself in horror!

I will erase it from my memory!! This never happened!!!
I grabbed my pants, wore it, then walked out with my shirt in my hand.


And neither of us ever spoke of it.


I couldn’t bring myself to talk to anyone.
There were barely four people I was talking to anyway and now I was on awkward terms with all of them. It’s been a few days yet there hasn’t been a single conversation exchange between us at all. One I ended up fighting with, the other three I might have slept with.

Oh God!
This is the worst part!

I don’t even know if I have or not! Damn it!! This demon side of me is only causing me problems!! It would be a blessing if it was a normal relationship and I was fine everytime I woke up the next morning after the deed but this!

This is only confusing!!

I sat in the throne room as people came to have an audience with the king. It was all going normally when I was finally informed that two demons were asking for entrance into the palace.

“Let them in,” I ordered the guard and he nodded, “Take them to meet the demon lord but stay on guard.” He bowed and went to follow my order.

I took a deep breath.
Almost there.

As soon as Leonidas gets the noble’s approval, we’ll sign the peace treaty with the demons and it’ll be all good.

The future I dread won’t happen.
Although, I’m still having nightmares. Nightmares I can’t remember when I wake up but every morning I’m drenched in sweat and my body is often shaking in fear.

Is something wrong with me?
Why can’t I remember anything?

I looked at my side where Enri stood looking like a dead fish. It doesn’t look like he knows what happened because he hasn’t said anything to me but on that note he might just be avoiding it too.

I definitely don’t want to talk about it first but maybe I can ask something subtly?

“What happened to you?” I asked and he looked at me, “On the night of the party I blanked out and after that for the past few days you’ve been looking like someone sucked your soul out.” I looked at him keenly, “Did something happen?”

Escape The Villain Route (Isekai Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now