Talk with Leonidas

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I woke up with a gasp again. Sweat dripping down my skin and I’m panting like crazy. A nightmare again but I don’t remember it like usual.

What is wrong with me?
I know something is wrong, I can feel it. I know it.

“Sorin?” I heard Leroy's voice and looked around to see him.

“Leroy…?” I couldn’t find him because I was so out of it. My mind was abuzz.

“Hey…” He walked over to me from the side and stood by the bed, “You’re still having nightmares?” He was worried.

I gulped because I felt thirsty and then slowly nodded. He’s probably still worried because he got me some medicine for it before too. But they haven’t stopped.

He came over and touched my forehead.
His hand felt very cool and it made me relax and close my eyes in comfort.

“You don’t have a fever or anything.” He removed his hand and I opened my eyes to look at him.

“Are we no longer fighting?” I asked him softly and he flinched. Then after a short pause, he sighed.

“I guess not.” He smiled, “I can’t really stay mad at you for long.”

I smiled back.
For some reason. It gave me a lot of comfort, knowing that we were friends again. It made my whole being relax a little.

“But,” He said, “Don’t hide things from me again.”

I thought about it, then replied, “As long as you don’t hide things from me, I won’t do it either.”

“Promise?” He asked.

“Promise.” I took his hand even though he didn’t show it to me or anything and shook it. I wanted to shake it. I wanted to feel him to be sure that he was real and here.

I then got off the bed to get some water. There was a glass of water by the window and I grabbed it without thinking much.

“Stop!” Leroy stopped me just as the glass reached my lips, “Don’t drink that.”

I brought the glass down, “What?” I looked at him, “Why not?” He walked over to me and took the glass from my hand.

“Sorin, what is wrong with you?” He looked at me in concern and I only stared back in confusion.


“Look!” He brought the glass right in front of my eyes, “Don’t you see the ants in it?”

I looked inside the glass to see three red ants looking back at me.


“These are poisonous ants, Sorin.” Leroy glared at me, “They can kill you.”

His words sent shivers down my spine and my skin stood up in fear.

“I-,” I looked at him in disbelief, “I’ll be more careful.” I replied.
My heart was beating erratically.

He sighed, “You’ve become very careless,” He frowned as he looked away, “It’s worrying me.” He looked at the glass and threw the water out of the window, then looked back at me, “I feel something-” He stopped and sighed but I understood his worry.

“I was just a little out of it.” I said with my heart still pounding out of unknown fear, “I’ll be more careful.” He looked at me with an upset look, “I promise,” I told him and he calmed down a little while I didn’t.

Something was still haunting me.



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