Demon Lord Kaan

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Enri froze in his place in displeasure and shock, “With all due respect your highness, are you crazy?” The guards behind Enri panicked even more at Enri’s words. I guess my reputation reaches way down here too.

“Do what I’m telling you to.” I ordered him.

Enri stood his ground, “No,” He looked at Kaan, “He’s dangerous.”

I rolled my eyes, “Give me the keys then.” I glared at him and then looked at the guard, “The keys!” I yelled and then stepped forward. The fat guard moved towards me with trembling hands while trying to reach for the key in his pocket.

Enri stepped in between us, “Why are you doing this?”

“I have my reasons.” I reply

“You can’t do this!” He said, “If you free that man in there, we’re all done for.”

I looked at the man in the cell, “Oh? But I can do it.” And stood my ground, “I am the king, I can do anything I want.”

The guard had the keys out so I just pushed Enri to the side and snatched the keys from the fat guy, then moved to open the gate.

It was when I entered that I noticed Kaam had his eyes on me. His long hair was covering some of his face but I could still see the glowing red eye that was fixed on me.

“Your majesty!” Enri grabbed my arm, “Don’t,”

“Sir Enri,” I looked at him, “Leave.” I told him, “I no longer need you.” Then I looked at the other two guards, “And you two as well. You don’t need to be here anymore if there isn’t a prisoner to oversee.”

“Y-your majesty.” The skinner guard spoke, “That’s the demon king,”

I sighed. We keep doing this over and over again, “If you don’t leave.” I said, “You’re all fired.” They froze at my words and I looked at Enri.

He was furious, he tightened his grip on the lamp as he gritted his teeth and let my arm go, then he turned to leave. The other two nervously followed him and I waited till I could no longer hear any footsteps.

I then looked at kaan again.

“Hey…Hi?” Honestly I didn’t think this through, about what to say to him. I’m not much of a detailed planner. He kept his eyes on me and I realized that he can’t really speak, “Oh!” I shook my head at my own stupidity, “Sorry,” I moved forward to remove the steel gag around his mouth.

How strong is this man? He had such a heavy thing on him for about a whole year??

I unlocked the gag and removed it, only to realize that it was actually heavier than I thought.

“Shit!” I struggled with it a bit but managed to put it aside.
But now, I couldn’t look at him. I got the gist of what he went through with just the gag and it was hard to face an innocent prisoner after that.

He is the second true king in the book, ‘True kings’, a character who didn’t deserve this treatment but was still treated like shit. The pride of one single person who wanted to show off, ended up in the destruction of his whole nation. The sad part is, Cedric died before he could face the consequences of his actions. This was another annoying part of the book. Cedric was the one truly at fault, but his kids had to suffer instead of him. Maybe Sorin had a part in the destruction because she wasn’t a good king but still, Cedric should have seen where his actions led to.

I sighed,

The reason the novel is named True kings is because at the end of the novel, the two kingdoms get their true kings to rule their nation. After horrible destruction, war and so much bloodshed on both sides. Kaan and Leonidas come to realize that if they continue, nothing will be left of either of them and they call a truce, they then meet up and condemn all that had happened and end their wars. They build their nations again and then become the supreme leaders.
Happy ending right?

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