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“Well your highness,” The work managing committee brought over a load of paperwork and dropped it on my desk in the work study room, “There are a lot of things to go over.” The head gave me a professional smile, “We hope you start working on it immediately.”

“I see,” I looked at the piles of documents and my thumb automatically went between my teeths and I started to chew on it in nervousness, “I’ll do it…”

The three people from the accounting and management department then turned and left the room while I stood by the chair in despair.

It’s finally here.
The part I’m destined to fail.

Just then, Leroy came into the room with some water, “Sorin…” and as soon as he saw me he sighed, “Your memories may have been affected but-” He walked over to me, “Your bad habits are still there.” He grabbed my hand and forced my thumb out of my mouth, “I’ve told you many times not to chew on your thumb.” He placed the water jug on the desk, “But you never listen.” I looked at him pleasantly.

So Sorin and I share some bad habits huh?  Nice, I guess, that makes me less suspicious but still, “Leroy,” I pointed at the huge pile of documents, “How am I supposed to go through all this?”

He looked at me with a sigh, “Well you have to start somewhere.” He placed his hands on my shoulders and forced me to sit down on the chair behind the desk, “Your memories may be disturbed but I’m sure you’ll be able to do this, this is practically all your life after all.” He picked up a document and forced it onto my hand. Like really, he forced it in my hand by opening my hand, forcing me to grab the paper and then forcefully closed it while I tried to resist him yet failed in the end, “You were trained for this.” He patted my back, “I’m sure it’ll come to you as you go.”

Beads of sweat started forming on my forehead as I awkwardly laughed, “Haha, yea…”

Well Damn!!!
This is not good!!!

I looked at the page in my hands but I was so nervous I couldn’t even make out the words written on it.
I gulped and looked back up at Leroy who was now leaving through the door. He looked back at me before closing the door behind him and smiled, “I’ll bring you your lunch later.”

“Thanks…” I gave him a dreadly smile back and as the door closed I crashed my head on the desk.

We’re doomed.
This whole country is doomed. I don’t know shit about running a country!!

I should have majored in accountancy or business or some shit like that but no! I wanted to be a graphic designer!
Graphic Designer my ass! They don’t have anything even remotely resembling a computer here!

I bumped my head on the desk again.


I miss photoshop…

I sniffled.

This country is going to hell now anyway… With a king like me, we’re all gonna end up in debt.

I sat back up and stared at the paper again.This time I was able to read but whatever I read just went over my head. It didn’t even sit there for a moment for me to even try and understand it.

“Oh God…” I whispered and thought about jumping through the window when the door was knocked at.

“Come in!” I answered very enthusiastically just because I wanted someone to disturb me so I would not think about the pile of work in front of me for a mere few seconds.

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