To stay?

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I know it was a lot to take. When I finished my story, leaving out the details about how I was killed and stuff related to that, I sat back and looked at Kaan. He looked like he was in a daze. He was probably having a difficult time processing this all.

I wonder if he'll believe me? I mean, if it was me, I'd say it was all bullshit.

"Looks too far fetched right..." I gave him a sarcastic smile but he just shook his head after looking at me.

"No," He passed me a rather soft grin, "It actually makes sense...I'm glad you told me." His smile made my heart ache and I looked away.

"This is why I left." I looked at Rion, "This is why I can't stay..." I gulped, "Rugen is the only safe place for me."

My words made him panic.,"But- we've already crossed the time of the original timeline, Right?" He tried to keep looking into my eyes but I didn't have the courage to look back at him, "So we're on an unwritten path. Right? So you can stay here now." He held my hands, "Hm?"

I shook my head, "What if something happens?" I gulped, "What if I die, what if something happens to Rion?" I was honestly very scared. I know the kind of things that can happen to kill someone off naturally. I was initially scared too but now the thought haunts me even more because I don't want to leave Rion alone.

Kaan grabbed my shoulders, "I'll be here," He said, "I understand now, I get why you left and why you're afraid but I understand now. I won't let anything happen to you or our son."

Our son...

Our son...

I looked at Rion again.

Our son,

I knew Kaan meant what he said because of the way he said it but the 'what if's' won't leave my mind.

"I'm not supposed to stay here." I whispered, "You were supposed to marry Leysa."

He frowned, "You're saying that after what we've just done?" His words made me blush, "You did this! You started it,"

My cheeks flushed brighter, "But if we're not meant to be, these feelings don't mean anything!" I looked at him as my own chest hurt, "They're fleeting emotions!" I blurted out whatever came to my mind. I said that even though these feelings didn't seem fleeting at all, "What about your original partner?"

These feelings were quite strong! But was it the same for him? What if all he did was just because I forced it out on him. He was high on my lust pheromones! And the first time we did it, we were dead drunk!

"You're still saying that..." He was upset, "You-" He licked his lips, "There's nothing between me and Leysa, you said we became a couple because of the war in the original timeline but that never happened here." He held onto me tighter but I didn't want to look at him, "She was and will remain a good friend of mine," He jerked me a little, "Look at me," He demanded and I glanced at him, "My feelings are-"

"You were influenced by my pheromones Kaan," I replied as I cut him off, "How can you be sure?" I say this, because I know Leysa has feelings for him. I saw it in her eyes when I told her she's the one who's supposed to marry Kaan.

He sighed, "This is that one point where I wish you grew up as a demon." He took a deep breath.


"I don't think you understand So- Elayne," He took another deep breath, "Elayne, you're a succubus, they can't-" The knock on the door interrupted his words.

"My Lord!!" It seemed like it was a servant, "My Lord are you here? It's urgent." Kaan seemed a little pissed off and didn't want to reply but the servant knocked on the door again, "My Lord? That garuda escaped from his cell."

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