Episode Five: The Royal Kill

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*Hey everyone, I'm back with another episode! Yay! This is published on April 28, 2022. If you guys like this episode, don't be afraid to vote and spam the comment section! That would be greatly appreciated! The song used is called "Enemy" by Imagine Dragons. Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read this and have a blessed day! Enjoy!*

Looka was entirely nervous. Guy, Pam, or Cat hadn't gone back to the ballroom to obtain the information about where Guy Junior was. The three strangers turned out to be friends of the Am I family that E.B somehow never mentioned. Maybe she didn't think about it at the time. Or she forgot to mention them. Whatever the case may be, they seemed nice. Well, the yellow-furred woman named Gluntz was nice and Louis was like...cool. He's just a cool-looking dude in the teenage boy's opinion.

However, the big guy named McWinkle scared him. Ever since he mentioned that he was E.B's boyfriend, McWinkle narrowed his gaze at him as if he was watching Looka like a hawk. This was worse than Guy threatening him about suffering a worst fate than in Zookian jail. At least, Guy barked and did not bite. With McWinkle though...he's not sure if he's all bark or he'll bark and then bite.

Looka squeezed E.B's hand while they were talking quietly amongst themselves about everything that happened so far.

"So...let me get this straight," Gluntz replied while taking notes on her notepad. "The leader of the cult is known as Jeckles Abbot and he kidnapped Guy Junior in hopes that the baby will join the cult. And then, he tried to kill you guys but, thanks to Cat, you guys got out and now you're here to find the location of Guy Junior."

"Yeah, you got it right," Michellee responded quietly.

Louis and McWinkle exchanged gazes at each other.

"The cult has a history of kidnapping and abducting children when they're babies," Louis replied.

"Yeah, we know. We've been told that already," E.B explained. "But they won't hurt Guy Junior though."

McWinkle clenched his teeth while rubbing the fur on the back of his neck absentmindedly. "Well, not physically...but..."

"But...what?" Michellee asked, her eyes tensed and fear creeping into her voice.

McWinkle glanced around them and continued, "Your son may be safe from physical harm but he won't be safe from the mental harm that comes from the whispers. Do you guys ever have headaches or felt dizzy after hearing the whispers?"

The three of them blinked for a moment while nodding their heads slowly.

"Well, that's because the strong frequencies that go through your head can cause migraines when hearing the whispers. Adults, teens, and kids were able to withstand it and come out with headaches. But for babies...some of them didn't make it. Their brains are prone to serious fatal injuries if they're under the whispers for too long. The cult determined which babies are good enough for the cult by how long they can survive the whispers," McWinkle explained.

Michellee was breathing heavily, her pupils shrinking in terror. E.B bit her lip while trying to hold back the tears.

Looka's eyes were broadening in shock. "We got to find the location of Guy Junior, now." Before anyone could question him, he ran off towards the secret door where he saw three of his friends enter through.

"Looka—" E.B was about to call loudly but she realized that she was still in the ballroom where everyone's ears are listening to them if they talk loudly.

McWinkle watched Looka running through the ballroom while following after him.

Looka sprinted through the secret door while panic started to settle in his brain. All of the sudden, he could hear a familiar scream from the door to his right. Fearing that it might be one of his friends being tortured, Looka entered through the right door and hurried towards the scream to investigate it. The scream became louder and louder when Looka was getting closer to the first door on his left. He felt the earth shaking underneath his feet momentarily, causing him to stumble a bit. But he regained his footing before collapsing on the floor.

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