Episode Ten: No Matter How Small

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*Hey, guys! I'm back with another episode of GEAH! Warning in advance, this is a long chapter/episode. I apologized for that. Thank you all for your patience. This is published on June 9, 2022. If you guys like this chapter/episode, don't be afraid to vote and comment! That will be greatly appreciated. The song used is called "Enemy" by Imagine Dragons! Enjoy!*

Outside of Fort Dunstan, Looka, wearing Cat's red and white striped hat, was in handcuffs and escorted by a hooded figure with green-furred clammy hands. Huh, that seems like an odd ploy. I wonder how they're going to get in.

The hooded assassins patrolling the front yard of the castle noticed Looka approaching the courtyard while their guns were aimed at the teen, causing Looka to wince.

"He's with me," A familiar voice stated behind him.

"Where's the girl and the baby?" one of the assassins interrogated.

"They ran away and escaped through the smog but I managed to catch this smuntz!" The familiar voice growled while shoving Looka to the ground on his knees. Looka grunted as his knees hit the ground.

"Ow," Looka whimpered.

"Sorry," the hooded figure whispered behind him.

"Fine, let's take him—"

"Nah-ah. I caught him. I should have the right to take him in myself," the hooded figure behind Looka said with a growl. "I want the glory to be given to me by the whispers."

"And what about Jeckles?"

The hooded figure behind Looka forced the teen up to his feet. "Uh...yes, and be given the glory to our god, Jeckles."

"You may proceed."

"Thank you. Come on, outsider!" the hooded figure ordered harshly as he guided Looka inside of the castle.

Little did the assassins know was that there were two vehicles, one long and one short. The long vehicle was towing the shorter one in the darkness of the smog and made little sounds.

Once they're out of the assassin's earshots, Looka groaned a bit.

"Take it easy next time," Looka whispered to the disguised hooded figure.

"I had to make it look convincing," The disguised hooded figure said defensively in a low tone. As they were walking through the castle, the disguised hooded figure got out a black gift bow from his pocket and stuck it onto the wires that were connected to the cameras. The gift bow had a grip on the wires and caused the cameras in the castle to mess up and make it appear as if nothing was happening to the guards watching the cameras.

Looka perked his ears up to hear a familiar scream echoing through the castle. "Guy! We got to hurry—"

"Wait, wait, hold on," The disguised hooded figure said in a whisper. "If I recall correctly, there's a fire alarm right down this hallway and the scream is coming downstairs. We'll get to Guy and the others as soon as we set up a distraction."

"Alright...how should we do it without the assassins being suspicious of us?"

"Hmm...oh, I got it." The disguised hooded assassin whispered to Looka, who widened his eyes at the idea that was whispered to him. "Make it look natural."

"Okay—" Looka shoved the hooded figure away and sprinted down the hallway.

"Son of a yip!" The hooded figure growled and chased after Looka, slowing back a bit on purpose.

Looka ran away ahead of him while looking for the fire alarm like he was told but he couldn't find it till he got to the middle of the hallway. However, before he could run further away, a buff assassin with a blowtorch stepped out of the darkness and aimed the fire at him. Looka could feel the heat but he didn't feel the fire touching him. Once the heat faded away, Looka noticed that the floor around him was burned except for the spot he was standing on. He felt a soft elbow tap on the back of his neck and he immediately collapsed to his knees as if he's hit by somebody behind harshly. The disguised hooded figure had caught up with him and pulled him back to his feet.

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