Episode Nine: A Higher Calling

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*Hey guys, I'm back with another episode of GEAH! This is published on June 6, 2022. If you guys like this episode, don't forget to vote and spam the comment section. The song used is called "Enemy" by Imagine Dragons for intro purposes. Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read it and have a blessed day. Enjoy!*

In Fort Dunstan, the assassins and the outsiders stared up at this beast that our beloved Guy transformed into with pure fear and shock. What happened to our beloved Guy? Can this curse be reversed? We hope to know.

Guy, as the two-tailed beast, growled at the assassins in front of him. The assassins ignored the outsiders with their sonic weapons drawn out. They aimed it at the beast and fired the sonic waves at him. The beast winced but didn't back down for one second. He pounced onto the assassins, tearing into their bodies with his claws.

Michellee could only stare at the scene in horror as blood was spurted out everywhere from the assassins attempting to fight the beast her husband became.

Cat stood up and grabbed his hat to put it back on his head, healing the wound on his shoulder right away. He picked Pam, Sam, and Gabriella up to get them away from the bloody scene.

McWinkle turned back to the double doors behind and opened them as quickly as he could with the group following his lead. They entered through the hallway as Guy was tearing the assassins apart piece by piece without fail as a beast, hearing their screams of pain and agony. Louis was the last one entering the hallway as he closed and stuck a pipe nearby through the doorknobs.

The group ran down the hallway until they reached the earth wall that McWinkle, Sam, Gabriella, and Looka could recall Guy summoning when being chased by the other assassins down this hallway.

"Son of a yip," McWinkle cursed underneath his breath. He rubbed his hands against the stoned wall as he tried to find a way to take it down. However, they heard something busting the double doors.

Gluntz pulled out her net gun while standing in front of both Looka and E.B. to protect them. Cat put Pam, Sam, and Gabriella down and took out his umbrella that had a hole in it from the bullet shot at him earlier to protect the three of them. Louis took out his sword and ignited the flames to ready himself for battle. Pam grabbed the lit-up torch nearby and used it to point toward the doors. Michellee could only stare as she tightened the wailing baby close to her chest for protection.

The doors pounded a couple of more times until it finally broke down. The two-tailed beast could barely fit into the hallway but it did nevertheless and came towards them.

Pam charged at the two-tailed beast under the assumption that he'll attack them next. She managed to burn the beast in the face but only slightly. The beast almost swiped at her in defense if it weren't for Cat picking her up and pulling her back away from him. Both of them gazed at him in horror as the beast only growl.

However, Cat noticed something odd...even though Pam charged at him and burned his face, Guy, as a beast, didn't charge toward them.

Cat blinked and looked at the group. "Uh...guys...he's not attacking us."

The group stared at the beast, their horror turned into befuddlement in an instant. McWinkle scrutinized the beast in its full form to also recognize something odd. He turned to Gluntz, who wouldn't let curious E.B get close to Guy, causing him to growl.

"Gluntz, do you have any knowledge of animals that went extinct?" McWinkle questioned his former partner.

Gluntz arched a brow. "I had to take a class on it in Bad Guy College when I majored in Animal Linguistics."

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