Episode Eight: Light The Fire

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*Hey guys, I'm back with another episode! Just a heads up...it's a long episode. I'll make it shorter next time. This is published on June 2, 2022. If you guys like this episode, please don't be afraid to vote and spam the comment section! That would be greatly appreciated! Love you all! Also, the song used is called "Enemy" by Imagine Dragons. Enjoy!*

Guy moaned awake as he fluttered his eyes open. With a groan, he felt his wrists and ankles strapped down onto some kind of a metal table. His vision was cleared as he saw different colored fur scientists dressed in white lab coats writing down on their clipboards. However, he noticed the familiar red-furred man staring right into the fire that was lit up in the fireplace to the side of the room.

Before Guy could say something, Jeckles turned to Guy with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Ah, you're awake. And to think that the sonic waves would've put you in another coma for a while. I underestimated you, Guy. That's a mistake that won't happen again."

Guy blinked his eyes while he clenched his teeth to form a growl. "You."

"Haven't seen me in a while, huh, Guy?" Jeckles giggled at Guy's predicament.

"Where's my son?" Guy interrogated with a snarl.

"Oh, your little Guy Junior, I presume? Well, you would be pleased to hear that he's still alive and he's doing excellent under the whispers," Jeckles said with a smile forming more.

"No! My son will never join your cult!" Guy barked while struggling with his straps.

Jeckles snapped his fingers as one of the scientists picked up the sonic gun and pulled the trigger for the sonic waves to hit his body. Guy screamed in pain while his body vibrated against the sonic waves. The waves ceased as Guy breathed heavily and his body shook.

Jeckles cornered a sadistic grin. "There, now we know how to get you under control. You have something inside of you that I want. That I was meant to obtain but you took that from me."

Guy leaned back against the metal table and glared at Jeckles. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, but you do know what I'm talking about, don't you? You see, I've been looking for the other lackas to absorb their powers for years and years. I'm destined to have these powers. The Loo-Lacka-Loo is one of the most powerful lackas of them all and I must have it."

Guy shook his head. "You're destroying the lives of innocent people all because of the lackas?!"

"It's not just about the lackas, Guy. They all must submit to the whispers. If they don't, well, judgment comes for them. And somehow, you and your family managed to blow up the Moo-Lacka-Moo and the Goo-Lacka-Goo is impossible to absorb. But the Loo-Lacka-Loo. Oh, it's different. It's special and unique. But it's already ingrained inside of you."

Guy felt the needles poked alongside his arms and his legs as he looked to see a machine sticking the needles on each arm. He breathed heavily in fear and panic while looking up at Jeckles.

"Wh-What are you doing to me?"

"Isn't it obvious, Guy? I told you that I wanted it out of you. Too bad you wouldn't be able to see your own son again."

Guy shook his head. "Wait!"

Jeckles went silent and stared into Guy's eyes.

Guy breathed heavily to think for a second. He withheld the tears that were edging out of his eyes while his voice came out shaky. "L-Let me see my son again."

Jeckles tilted his head to hear more of what Guy had to say.

Guy pressed his lips together for a moment and then continued with tears in his eyes and his voice even shakier from the emotions that spilled forth, "You can have these powers. You can kill me. You can do whatever you want with me...but...let me see my son again. Let me hold him before I go. Please...let me say my last goodbye to him. Please...let me see my son again. And if you have the rest of my family, let me see them too. And then...you can have your powers...you can do whatever you want with me."

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