Episode Eleven: More And More

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*Hey guys! I'm back with the new episode! This is published on June 18, 2022. If you guys like this episode, don't be afraid to vote and comment! That would be greatly appreciated! Thank you guys for taking the time to read this story! It means so much to me. Let me know your thoughts on what you think of the story! The song used is called "Enemy" by Imagine Dragons. Enjoy!*

Guy gasped while snapping his eyes open. He could feel himself sweating in the humid weather.


Guy whipped his focus to see Gluntz looking over at him in confusion. "G-Gluntz?"

Gluntz smiled brightly. "Yay! You're awake!"

"About time," he heard another voice as Guy glanced up to see Louis leaning against the tent entrance.

"You've been asleep for a few days," Louis added before Guy could ask how long he's out. "I was a bit afraid that the amount of torture the cult put you through would get you under a coma for a long time."

Guy rubbed his head. "Where's...everybody?"

"Oh, training!" Gluntz said excitedly.


"Yeah, come on!" Gluntz pulled Guy up to his feet.

"Careful with him, Gluntz," Louis cautioned Gluntz but Guy recovered just fine.

Guy stumbled a bit at first but he's able to catch up with Gluntz. Once the three of them emerged out of the tent, Guy widened his eyes to realize that he was in the jungle.

"Wh-Where am I?" Guy questioned his surroundings.

"The Jungle of Nool," Gluntz replied with a grand gesture.

"No wonder I'm sweating a bit," Guy muttered to himself but Louis heard him.

Louis took off his fedora hat while fanning himself a bit with it, showing his purple hair. "Yeah, it's humid here. But they have fans to cool you off and a lake nearby to swim in so...that's something to relax."

"Wonderful...I guess?" Guy questioned himself while looking around to see unfamiliar faces all around them.

Louis noticed Guy looking around the camp in a confused stare. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah...it's just that...how did we even get out of the fort?" Guy asked.

Gluntz clenched her teeth. "That's actually a long story. Oh, your wife, your kids, and Sam are in the big hut over there!" She pointed at the big hut ahead of them.

"Are they waiting for me?" Guy inquired.

"Training while they're waiting for you. Dad's in there too. He seemed to have been bent out of shape since Fort Dunstan though. I'll check on him to see if he's okay," Louis replied while heading off to find McWinkle.

Gluntz led Guy towards the big tent where they looked inside to see the monkeys practicing their combos with the kids of the village, including Rudy, Looka, and E.B. in case they need to fight back. Guy looked around the big tent while noticing Michellee holding Guy Junior in her arms, safe and sound. Sam was practicing his combat with the frying pans with his mother. Cat watched them with a proud smile with Jane, the purple-furred kangaroo, beside him while giving him a proud nudge. McWinkle had two arm guns attached to his arms while firing at the targets with an intense stare, while Louis approached him to talk.

Oncelor threw his axes at the targets while having metal rings around each of his fingers as it glowed green to summon the ax back. Grinch stood next to him to notice him making use of the new gadgets as his devious smile spread wide across his face. He took out the candy-cane-shaped gun and pulled the trigger, firing the flames to melt the target right in front of him. Once it was melted, Grinch smirked and lifted his weapon up. When he shifted his gaze at Oncelor, Oncelor had his hand over his chest with a horrified stare at him.

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