Chapter 18

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Raymond's head shot toward the cave mouth to see Cole standing in the entrance. Relief washed over him. "Oh, Cole!" he exclaimed, rushing over to him.

Guilt was swarming in the ninja's gaze. "Oh, Raymond, I'm so sorry," he gasped, throwing his arms around the man when he met him. "What I said... I-I really didn't mean it. I-I'm really sorry. I feel horrible."

A gentle smile crossed Raymond's face and he returned the hug. "It's okay," he reassured him.

"But it's not!" Cole protested, tightening his grip. "The only reason I'm strong is because of you. You helped me. It was all you! I didn't do anything. I can't thank you enough. But I was so mean to you yesterday and I—"

"Cole," Raymond chuckled softly, heart warming. "I get it. You didn't mean it." He drew in a deep breath. "I'm sorry, too."

Blinking, Cole broke away from his arms. "What do you have to be sorry for?" he asked. "You were only watching out for me."

"Maybe I jumped to conclusions too quickly," Raymond murmured. "You seem to really like this girl, and I should trust you if you think she's different than the others."

Cole looked at the ground and shifted his feet. "I... I do really like her," he confessed. "I think... she might be the one for me."

Raymond's smile broadened and he touched his hand to the ninja's cheek. "You're right," he stated. "It doesn't matter where she lives. If you think she's special, then I do, too. If you want to keep on visiting her, go on. I won't stop you."

Cole grinned, eyes shining. "Thank you," he breathed.

Raymond gazed down at him warmly. "No," he said, "thank you."

Cole tipped his head. "For what?"

Pulling the ninja in for another hug, Raymond felt his heart swell and his eyes start to water as Cole embraced him. "For giving me someone to love," he whispered.

* * *

The setting sun cast streaks of pink and orange through the sky and long shadows over the ground. The wind brought a nighttime chill as it swept across the cliffs, whistling peacefully. Vanessa grunted as she heaved herself up beside Cole, and, smirking, the black ninja searched for his next foothold and continued climbing up the side of the mountain. Cole had wanted to show Vanessa the sunset from the greatest view, and that was on top of one of the highest hills. He had felt horrible when she had said she rarely ever saw the sun through the thick fog and looming darkness over Baddie Bend, and he wanted to give her the most spectacular experience he could offer.

Halting for a moment to let her catch up, Cole gazed down at the girl, unable to resist a smile as he observed her long, shimmering hair, flowing swiftly with the wind. She was stronger than he had thought. She had made it most of the way up the mountain, and was still climbing upward with strong, firm pulls. She made Cole happy for a reason he didn't fully understand. Most girls he came across would've scoffed at the adventure they were taking. But Cole could tell from her gleaming eyes that Vanessa wasn't only climbing to follow him, but was truly enjoying the sport. Cole's heart warmed. She's perfect, he thought.

Distracted, Cole hadn't realized that Vanessa was passing him in their climb. "Come on, slowpoke!" she laughed, continuing upward.

"Hey, wait up!" Cole called, breaking from his thoughts. Grunting, he grabbed onto a ledge and heaved himself upward, finding places to put his feet quicker and quicker. By the time Vanessa reached the top he was beside her again, and they both pulled themselves onto the solid ground, panting.

Darkness from Within #7: A Promise Broken (Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now