Chapter Three: The Date (Part Two)

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As you came back with your coffee, Ben was standing up. You panicked slightly. Was he leaving?

He smiled at you, and you noticed a small fang.


You shook your head and smiled back.

"Would you like to go browse through the books with me?"

"Yes, please!" you responded cheerily.

You knew exactly where you would find yourself in less than five minutes.

The manga section.

And Ben was right there with you. looking at manga and comics.

Some of the manga you had read, he hadn't, so you had suggested it. Black Butler, Assassination Classroom, Skip Beat, etc. (Other manga that you like).

He suggested ones that you hadn't read.

You bought a few of the books to a series he suggested, and he did the same.

After you browsed through books for awhile and you had a bag or two full of books, the two of you decided to go take a walk through the nearby park.

There was a trail that rounded a pond and went through a small patch of forest, which showcased some wildlife occasionally.

You never ever thought that you'd find someone so much like you in so many different ways, too.

As you two walked along the trail, you laughed.
"I can't believe we're so much alike! I honestly never thought I'd even date anyone. My friend is the one who suggested that dating app in the first place. I wasn't going to download it, but I decided to do it just to please her. But I guess I got something really nice out of it. A friend," you said, smiling brightly at the blonde, blue-eyed boy at your side.

He looked surprised for a moment before smiling back at you.
"I'd like to go out with you again, if you'd allow me too. It's been nice getting to know someone similar to me. Someone that I have things in common with."

"Hey, if you're not busy after this... you could come over and we could play some video games or something..." you suggested shyly, blushing slightly.

He chuckled.
"I'm not busy. So sure!"

As the two of you finished your walk, you led the way toward your home. You were slightly nervous, as you had only just met this boy today. But something about him made you want to spend more time with him. You didn't want this day to end yet.

As the two of you entered your home, he looked around.

"It's nice," he said, slipping his shoes off.

"Thank you! It's kind of lonely being the only one here, but it's home, y'know?"

He shrugged. "I can't really say. I live in a huge house full of people."

"That must be nice, not having to be lonely."

"Bah. It's always noisy and people get irritating. But hey, they're family and I wouldn't change it for the world," he sighed happily.

You only smiled and led him into your living room where your game console was set up.
"What do you want to play?"

"Do you have the Legends of Zelda?"

"Who do you think I am?" you rose an eyebrow, smirking slightly.

Ben laughed and held his hands up in defense.
"My bad, (Y/N), I should have known better."

You giggled and turned on the T.V. and the console, sliding in the disc for the game.
"You can play first. I'll watch for a bit. Maybe it'll give me time to think about the scene to write for my book."

Ben nodded and settled on the floor in front of the couch, graciously taking the remote from your hands.
"Where are you currently at?"

You thought a moment. "Let me grab my laptop. I'll read you a bit of where I'm at/left off. Then you can sit there and wonder until my book comes out," you winked, and Ben groaned.

You laughed and stood, hurrying out of the room. You returned moments later with your laptop in your hands. You opened it and pulled up the document.

You proceeded to read, "He's crawling backwards, eyes wide. His palms were flush against the floor, back against the wall. His mind isn't processing the situation correctly. People lower into a crouch on the ground with their hands up, trying to pacify the emotional whumpee. They're his loved ones, but he doesn't even know. He's been mentally comprimised by drugging or torture. He's delirious. He's on the verge of fight or flight. His chest is heaving while he hyperventilates in fear. They keep begging him to calm down, come back to them. They know the road to recovery is going to be cross-country, but it's worth it to get him back."

Ben paused the game and turned to look at you, eyes wide, jaw dropped.
"That's so good!"

Your cheeks flushed shyly.

You two began to banter back and fourth about what you should write next. By the time you finished with your immersing conversation, it was late into the night.

"I should probably be leaving," Ben yawned, stretching and standing.

"Are you sure? It's late and there's probably people lurking around. You could always stay in my guest room," you suggested, although you knew it might not be such a great idea, since you had only just met this boy.

He smiled kindly.
"I do appreciate the offer, (Y/N), but I really must be going. I can take care of myself, don't worry. I need to get back to my family."

You nodded in understanding.
"Text me when you get home, okay?"

"Of course. I'll text you tomorrow too. We'll try to hang out again soon, okay?" he smiled brightly.

You felt a small tug in your heart. You honestly didn't want him to leave. You didn't want to go back to the lonliness of your quiet home.
In that fleeting moment, without thinking, you flung your arms around him, squeezing him into a hug.

He startled slightly, but he relaxed, smiled, and hugged you back. It was such a warm and kind hug. It was nice.

After a few moments, the two of you let go.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)."

"Goodnight, Ben. Get home safe and I'll text you in the morning!" you replied happily, waving him off as he walked out the door.

*Small Timeskip*

As you were climbing into bed for the night, your phone buzzed on your nightstand. You grabbed it and smiled.

[Ben]: Made it home safe, cutie! Sleep well! ;)

You blushed and giggled a little, texting back your reply before putting your phone down and heading to sleep for the night.

[You]: Goodnight, you dork. You sleep well too :)


A/N: Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying this story so far? I wanted your guys' opinions. Am I moving to fast in them starting to like each other? Or is it going okay? I don't want to make it seem like I'm moving too fast into their relationship/them falling for each other.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Enjoy, my friends!

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