Chapter Eighteen: More training

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You were up early the next morning. You groaned softly to yourself and rolled onto your back. You were automatically pulled back onto your side as Ben grumbled in protest, his arms hugging you closer to his chest.

You giggled softly, cuddling into him.

"It's too early for you to be up," he grumbled into your neck, huffing softly.

"My apologies, spoiled ass. I'm used to getting up early. I thought I would have been able to sleep in a little longer, whereas I was up so late last night hunting with Evelyn, but I guess not. My body is just used to getting up early."

"Well get it unused to getting up early, because you don't need to do that here unless Slender needs you to," he replied, nuzzling your neck then blowing on it gently.

You shivered and pouted.
"Don't start your teasing now or else I'll get up and you'll lose your warmth-" you warned.

"Noooooooo," Ben whined, his grip tightening on you.

"That's what I thought."

Ben huffed and the two of you continued to cuddle. That is, until Slender reached out to you.

'Good morning, (Y/N). I hate to disturb you, and I hope I didn't wake you, but I need to speak with you, please.'

'Yes, sir. Give me about fifteen minutes to get up and get ready for the day and then I'll head to your office.'

'Thank you, my child.'

You sighed and sat up, rubbing your eyes.

"Where are you going, (Y/N)?" Ben asked, opening one eye to just a slit to look up at you tiredly.

"Slender needs to talk to me."

The blonde wraith groaned and rolled onto his back, sighing.
"Will you come back after?"

You nodded.

He nodded as well and grabbed your hand, pulling it to his lips to kiss.

In return, you leaned down and kissed his cheek.

Ben smiled lazily then rolled back onto his side, going back to sleep.

You ran your fingers through his soft hair before getting off the bed and starting your morning routine on getting ready.
As soon as you were all ready for the day, you left Ben's room and headed to Slender's office. Upon arriving, you knocked on the door. You were welcomed in quite quickly. When you entered the office, you noticed Evelyn at Slender's side.

"Good morning, (Y/N)-" Slender started.

You cut him off. "Uh, Slender, you have a little bit" you pointed to his face where his lips might be. Smudged lipstick. You smirked a little and you couldn't help but let a small giggle slip your lips.

The man's face took on a light blush, and he quickly wiped the lipstick away. Evelyn's face visibly flushed as well.
Slender cleared his throat, and his blush was gone as quick as it had come, dismissing any embarassment from just seconds ago.
"I was wondering if you'd be wanting to do training earlier this morning with Evelyn so that you had the rest of the afternoon and evening to relax with Ben and the others. She told me you did quite a good job yesterday."

This time, it was your turn to blush in embarassment. You weren't quite used to being complimented, since you had hardly ever talked to your family, you had been abused by your ex, and you had lived alone for a few years now.
"It wasn't that good. We almost had some deer, and then my clumsy ass decided to fall out of a tree-"

Slender couldn't help but chuckle a little and you giggled a little nervously in return.

"I-In the end though, we got some rabbits..." you trailed off shyly.

Slender cleared his throat again.
"I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. I chuckled because you have no idea how clumsy some of the others here are. Especially Tobias, one of my other proxies."

Evelyn laughed a little.
"Of course, you would say Toby is the clumsiest. He did set a tree on fire that one time-"

"Exactly my point! That boy is very clumsy," the faceless being chuckled again, shaking his head lightly.
He then, once again, cleared his throat.
"What do you think about training this morning? It'll only be about four or five hours. It's seven now, so say you'll be done around eleven or twelve, yes?"

You nodded.
"I'm fine with that. I was up early anyway. Training would be a good start to my day."

"Wonderful. Well, I will let the two of you go, and I'm sure you'll do just fine, my child. Good luck."

You gave Slender a small smile.
"You know, It's kind of cute that you guys talk about the Pasta's like their your children. That's what it kind of seems like to me," you said. And then your smile turned into a smirk.
"And you can't lie to me right now and tell me that there is nothing going on between you and Evelyn when you had lipstick smudged on your-"

Slender growled and you squealed, quickly running out of his office to wait for Evelyn.

The red head chuckled and followed you out. She led you downstairs and outside to the shed to gather equipment for another training session, and possibly another hunt?

"Well, shall we get started then?"


Hey, everyone! I dunno what you think of Slender and Evelyn. What DO you think of the two of them? I'm just curious to know. Hope you all are enjoying the book so far. As soon as we get to more of the parts with "Ryan" the horrible ex boyfriend, I'm hoping the chapters will be a little bit longer. I promise more will be happening soon, I am leading up to it! Hope you enjoy!

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