Chapter Twenty: Natural Killer

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Slenderman, in all honesty, was completely shocked with how calm you were after having just murdered two teenagers. Albeit, he was impressed. He stared blankly (haha, get it?) at you before he cleared his throat, adjusting his tie lightly. 

"Well done, (Y/N). I am very impressed with your work. You'll do just fine living with us, and I do believe you're ready for what will be thrown your way," the head pasta stated, already lifting up the bodies with his tendrils. 

Evelyn clapped for you and smiled. 

"Good job, (Y/N). You'll do wonderfully. I'm so glad I was able to teach you, and that you caught on so quickly. Very impressive." 

You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly, you cheeks turning a light pink as you blushed. 

"It's all thanks to you being a great teacher, Evelyn. I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help. Also, Slender! Let me take one of the bodies. I don't want you to have to clean up after me. And get your suit all dirty." 

The blank faced pasta tsked, refusing to hand you one of the bodies. So you reached up and grabbed the leg of one of the bodies and tugged. It slipped easily from his tendril and you smirked triumphantly, slinging the body over your shoulders. 

Slender startled slightly when the other body was yanked away from him by Evelyn. 


You and Evelyn chuckled and started weaving through the trees, heading back to the manor. 

"You ladies should not have to carry those bodies!" 

"Excuse you, mister. I'm your proxy. I deal with bodies and blood all the time. And I hunt," Evelyn replied. 

"And I've also been hunting with Evelyn multiple times, so I also deal with the blood and bodies. Just not human bodies. Until now." 

If the pale pasta had eyes, he'd be rolling them now. 

The three of you, five, if you counted the two dead bodies, soon made it back to the mansion. You and Evelyn placed the bodies in the shed for the other pastas to pick over if they so desired. Ej definitely would be. Once he found out that the bodies were in there, at least. 

The three of you headed up the steps onto the porch then stepped inside. 

You wiped a bit of blood from your cheek and stared at it for a moment. It was crazy to think that you had been a normal person just weeks ago, and now you were part of a family of murderers, and now you were a murderer yourself. Who would have thought that things would change this drastically in your life? But you appreciated the change in your life. You were no longer alone all the time, and you didn't have to deal with your shitty ex. At least not until later. Who knew what the bastard was planning. You didn't know. But you knew you could now stand up to him, and you'd also have others to back you up. The only thing you didn't know about was this mysterious person that was helping him out. Surely Slender would explain at some point, right? 

You were lost in thought until you were patted on the shoulder. You looked up at Slender, who's hand was resting on your shoulder. 

"Good work tonight, (Y/N). You've definitely proved yourself. You're a natural killer. You'll do great," he praised you. "I'll give you the two days off, and then you'll go on a mission with Tim, Brian, and Toby. And sooner or later, I'll have to talk about this person who's helping Ryan. For now, relax and get to know the family a little bit better. I'll be calling you in to my office to talk to you at some point." 

You nodded your head and smiled up at Slender. He probably would have been smiling back if he didn't have a blank face. 

"Evelyn and I have some paperwork to go over from her last mission, so we'll be seeing you, (Y/N)." 

You smirked. 

"Don't have TOO much fun with her, Slender~" you teased him. His pale cheeks took on a slightly pinkish tone.  A blush. 

You continued to smirk as you headed up the stairs toward Ben's room. 

"It is none of your business what we get up to, Child!" Slender yelled after you. 

You laughed and you could hear Evelyn chuckling as well. 

You sauntered down the hallway once you reached the top of the stairs and stopped at Ben's door. You knocked and then walked in, not even caring to wait for Ben's response. He was your boyfriend, after all. 

He was sitting on the floor, playing video games. When he heard you come in, he paused his game and turned to look at you. Upon seeing you covered in blood, he smiled. 


"Very. But instead of killing an animal I killed two teens instead. They were on the hunt for Slender and just happened to stumble upon us. Took one shot to kill each one. I'm pretty proud of myself. Slender seemed to be proud of me too. So I get two days to just relax and then I go on a mission with Tim, Brian, and Toby," you stated proudly, hands on your hips. 

"That's great!" Ben replied, standing up. He walked over to you and pulled you into his arms, pecking your nose. 

"I'm gonna take a shower. Then we can do something together if you want?" 

"I know what I wanna do~" he teased, smirking. 

You blushed. 

"Shut the fuck up, you slut." 

"Hey, I'm a teen male and I've got hormones! Leave me alone!" 

"In your dreams, bitch." 

"Dumbass," he shot back. 

"Asshole," you said, starting to gather your things to shower.


"I'm your whore." 

"Yeah, you're right." 

You chuckled and walked into the bathroom. 

"Have a nice shower, babe!~" he called after you. 

You stuck a hand out the door and flipped him off. 

"You would!" he replied childishly. 

"You're right!" you called back, starting the shower soon after. 

How did you get so  lucky to have a family like this, and a boyfriend like Ben? 

Who knew. But you didn't care. You appreciated everything in your life at the moment. You cherished the people around you, and your wraith boyfriend. You were satisfied. That's all that mattered.  

My Sweet Serial Killer (Ben Drowned x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now