Chapter Nineteen: The Hunt

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It had been at least four or five weeks since you had started training. You had trained almost every day either early morning to the afternoon or early evening until later in the night.

You had gotten very good at everything you had been taught by the undead huntress, and she was very impressed with your work. You had come so far since you first arrived and since you had first started your training. The red head was proud of you, and she expressed it to you quite often, even if it was subtle.

It was now time for Slender to observe you on a hunt. And if you succeeded, he'd send you off on a mission with Tim, Brian, and Toby, to prove that you were truly ready for what was to come.

As you were changing in Ben's room, he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your bare waist. He rested his head on your shoulder, his skin warm against yours.

"Ben, let go so I can put my shirt on," you said, although you didn't mind this, resting your hands over his. He was always very caring and loving toward you, and you cherished every second you got to spend with him. You never had this kind of relationship with Ryan...

"Just let me hold you for a few minutes. You still have twenty minutes till you have to meet Slender and Evelyn outside. And you're already ready to go."

"Besides my shirt, dummy."

The blonde wraithe rolled his eyes and kissed the base of your neck gently, lingering there, humming softly onto your skin.
"You know I love you, right?"

"I love you too, Ben."

He smiled against your skin, taking one of your hands in his, lacing his fingers with yours.

You rested your cheek against the top of his head, cherishing this moment you were spending with him. You squeezed his hand gently, and he returned the gentle squeeze, swaying slightly with you in his arms.

"You'll do great, (Y/N). I know you will. You've done so well the past few weeks that you have been here, and I am so proud of you. You've come so far, and I'm very impressed. I know how often you hear it from Eve, but you don't hear it enough from me. I want you to know how much I love you and care about you. I'm so happy to have you in my life and I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend."

You smiled happily and leaned back against Ben, warmth filling you at his sweet words.
"And I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. You've done so much for me and you only met me about month or so ago. I'm very happy and grateful to have you in my life. You're my everything, and I'm glad to be here with you."

The blonde wraith released you after a few more minutes of loving on you, letting you finish getting ready.

You pecked his lips and then you headed off down the stairs to meet Slender and Evelyn outside.

Upon arriving on the front porch, Evelyn smiled at you from the bottom of the porch steps.
"Ready to go?"

You nodded, carrying your things with you. Evelyn had helped you renew one of her old bows and helped you make some new arrows for yours. She showed you how to make a quiver for your arrows. You knew how to use a hunting rifle now, and a sword/knives as well, all thanks to the red headed huntress. All other weapons you wanted to use or had been using, you had learned on your own with Evelyn's supervision in case something went wrong. At least until you got good at them.

"(Y/N), I'll let you lead the way," Slenderman spoke up, gesturing out toward the wide spanse of trees.

You nodded and into the woods you headed, the tall, pale faced pasta and his..."proxy"... following after you. It was a quiet evening, besides the sounds of wildlife milling about.

You were confident in yourself, although your heart fluttered nervously in your chest. You were also slightly excited to show off your skills to someone other than Evelyn and Ben. It was going to be a good night.

As you headed deeper into the trees, you slowed, listening. Slender and Evelyn slowed as you did, copying your silent movements. You stopped completely and continued to listen. In one swift leap you were on the lowest branch of a tree, clambering silently onto the next, and then the next.

Slender and the undead huntress placed themsleves in inconspicious locations.

The pale faced pasta continued to watch you, impressed by how quickly you had learned from his red headed huntress.

A deer found it's way into the clearing that the three of you were hiding on the outskirts of. It paused in the middle and looked around before bowing it's head to nibble at a patch of grass.

Nearby, a branch cracked and the deer raised its head quickly again, it's ears flicking at the noise.

Another snap. Bushes rustling. Then a human stepped into the clearing. Then another. Teen males.

The deer took off.

"Tch, there's nothing here besides some stupid deer," the brown haired male sneered.

"You think we would have found him by now," his friend replied, sighing lightly.

You narrowed your eyes, hidden by the trees foliage. Who were they talking about? Slender? Most likely. You had heard stories from many of the pastas about how notorious Slender and his family of murderers was. It didn't bother you because you were now a part of their family. You were on their side. You were no longer a part of normal society. And you were fine with that.

As they edged cloesr to the outskirts of the clearing, the brown haired teens friend shrieked. He had stumbled upon Slenderman, hiding with his huntress.

In one fluid movement, you had an arrow in the string of your bow. You pulled back, and your arrow flew swiftly through the air, piercing through the eye of the teen boy who had found their target.

The only sound that had come from the boy was the thwack of the arrow hitting home. Within one more swift movement, another arrow was sent through the throat of the brown haired teen.

He let out a choked gurgle and fell face down, the arrow pushing further into his throat. Blood pooled around him. You hopped out of the tree and stared at the damage done for a moment before you looked at Slender.

"How did I do?"


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it's been a minute since I updated. Life has been very hectic and crazy, and some...things have happened. And there are a lot more stressful things in my life that are currently headed my way. Therefore, updates may be a little slower until after December, but I will try my damndest to get out some more chapters. I usually have more time to write at night when I'm in bed, so I will try to do that. I'm thinking about writing out a couple of chapters and publishing one a day, just to be ahead and have extras, that way you guys aren't waiting so long. But we'll see! Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you in the next one!

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