Chapter Sixteen: Training With Evelyn

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The afternoon had been relaxing. Card games with Ben, Jeff, Ej, Sally, Offender, and Trinity. It had been fun. You got to know a select few of the mansion better, and you felt more comfortable with them.

Except for Jeff. Jeff was an asshole. But in a brotherly kind of way. Which was fine. You could tolerate it.

Once it got closer to being about five in the evening, Evelyn came downstairs to get you.

"(Y/N), dear. Are you about ready to start training?"

You looked at her and gave her a small smile.
"Yes, ma'am. Let me go change into clothes that are easier to move in and I'll meet you outside."

The red headed huntress nodded.
"I'll be in the backyard. Meet me by the garden."

You nodded and headed upstairs to change into leggings and a t-shirt. Clothing that was more breathable.
Then, as you agreed, went out into the mansions backyard to the garden, where the undead huntress was waiting for you.

As she got started explaining, Ben, Offender, Trinity, and Slender all stood on the back porch, watching you and the huntress.

Slender had his hands clasped behind his back, silent.

Offender, as always, had a cigarette in his mouth, and Trinity in his lap, who would steal his cigarette occassionally to take her own drag, then give it back to Offender.

Ben seemed slightly tense, although he knew Evelyn would treat you well. She would never put anyone in the manor in harms way.

The first thing she was going to be teaching you was to shoot a bow.

She showed you how to hold it, how to draw the string back, how your body posing should be, etc.

When it was your turn to try, she had to help position you.

"Relax, my dear. There is nothing to be nervous about. Yes, this is your first time shooting a bow, but the more relaxed and focused you are, the easier and better your shot will be."

You nodded and drew in a deep breath. You pulled the string back, aimed, and let it go. The arrow flew through the air and hit close to Evelyn's bulls eye.

The red head gave you a gentle smile.
"See? Not so bad, is it? Now, today, we'll just be starting with the basics of shooting the bow. And I'll take you on a little hunt for some small animals, and perhaps a deer. This will help your skills. Go inside, grab a jacket, and we'll head into the woods. This will be good practice for today. I'll be showing you some good hunting techniques while we are out. I promise we won't be gone longer than a few hours."

"Yes, ma'am," you replied hurrying inside to grab a jacket from Ben's room.

The two brothers on the porch shared a look.

"Ya sure this new girl can do this, Slender?" Offender asked, puffing out another plume of smoke.

"Yes, Offender. I'm quite sure-"

The faceless being was cut off by Ben.
"(Y/N) can be one determined person when she's focused on something. Or being taught something. She doesn't give up easily. She tries her hardest in everything she does. She can do this. I know for a fact that she can. She'll be just fine. She's in good hands," the blonde wraith said.

Offender smirked.
"Looks like you have a lot of confidence in this girl, Benny boy. I trust your judgement. And yours, Slender."

The faceless being nodded.

Ben smirked, glad to know that Slender and his brother trusted him.

"You know, I think she'll do fine. Evelyn does good with training others. Once she's done teaching her to use weapons I can teach her some self defense," Trinity piped up.

"The only person you need to be teaching self defense is me-"
Offender wheezed when Trinity elbowed him in the gut. Not hard enough to hurt him, but enough to get him to shut up.

"Why, I oughta- You little brat-" Offender growled lowly, squeezing Trinity's waist.

"You'll shut up if you know what's good for you, Offendy~" Trinity smirked, her voice a playful purr.

The two continued their banter as you rushed back out the back door.
Your arm was grabbed and you were pulled back before you could get far.

Ben hugged you from behind. His embrace was warm.

You smiled.
"Hi, Ben."

"Good luck hunting with Evelyn. You'll do great, babe," he said, planting a kiss on your cheek.

"Thanks, Ben. I'll be back soon, I hope. I love you."

"And I love you too, Mommy~" he whispered in your ear, smirking.

You huffed and pouted. You pinched his arm.


"That's what you get for messing with me. Now please let me go so that I can go with Evelyn."

He released you after kissing your cheek again and you headed off with the huntress.

Slender watched you and Evelyn walk away into the woods. The two of you were soon out of sight.

You were excited and nervous for your first hunt. You hoped it would go well. You knew you were in good hands, and it helped you relax.

It would be a good night.

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