Chapter Twenty-Three: The Breakout

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It had been a few days, and Ryan was still sitting in the jail cell.

Was his dream really real? Or had it all just been some stupid dream he had? He had seen that lady at the bar many times before. But he had never once spoken to her. So maybe he had just been dreaming the whole thing. Who knew, at this point. He sure as hell didn't know.
He sighed, hanging his head. He was probably just driving himself crazy being stuck in this confined space for so long.

And just after his last thought, a siren started wailing.

He stood and ambled over to the barred window, trying to see outside in the courtyard. He couldn't see much.

He screamed when one of the shadowy creatures from his dreams the other night appeared at the barred window, snarling. Ryan scrambled back as the bars were torn away, and a gaping hole appeared as the creature ripped away the brick.

The dream was real, the dream was real, what the fuck, the dream was real.

Ryan kind of just stood there, mouth hanging agape.

The woman from the dream appeared at the hole, smirking.
"Didn't think your dream was real, did you?"

Instead of responding, he just shook his head. He didn't know what to say.

The shadow being chuckled and extended her hand.
"Let's go before the pesky guards get here. Once you take my hand there isn't going back. So make a decision right now. You can come with me, or you can stay here to be beheaded~"

The male weighed his options before putting his hand in hers.

"A wise decision~"

Ryan's vision began to blur and cloud with a black, shadowy mist. He was being swallowed up by shadow's. His vision went black, and after what felt like hours, he was standing in front of the gates of a large castle that looked like it belonged in hell.

He stood there, speechless once more, and he was frozen in place.

The shadowy women appeared beside him with her creatures.
"Welcome to Hell, Ryan. Literally."

This was the kingdom where Zalgo had once thrived. There was a point where Slender and his family finally decided to rebel against Zalgo and get rid of him once and for all. They had succeeded. Slender had once been on decent terms with Polaris. They got along. But in finding out the woman had also been friends with Zalgo once, he shut her out. Evelyn had tried to keep the good terms, but Slender would have none of it. So once Zalgo was gone, Polaris took over his kingdom with her shadowy gifts, and now she thrived here.

The pasta family had no idea this was where she reigned, they only knew her still as the bar owner and had no idea about her other life in the Hell's kingdom she now ruled.

Giddy with excitement to get her plan into action, the gates to the castle swung open.

"Follow me, my mortal friend! We have much preperation to be done in order to get our plan into full swing!"
She cackled excitedly and headed into the castle.

Ryan scrambled after her, not knowing what he was getting into. The only thing that kept him following after this woman was the thought of getting revenge on (Y/N) or even just getting her back forcefully.

This was going to be fun.

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