Chapter Nine: Date Number Two

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Texting Benjamin

You: Typing...
You: Is this gonna be something casual or something fancy? I was just curious so that I can get ready

Benjamin is typing
Benjamin: Do a kind of casual fancy, I guess? It doesn't really matter what you wear. You're beautiful either way.

You blushed at that statement, drew in a deep breath, exhaled, and then continued to text.

You: Okay, will do.

Benjamin: Also, what's with the formalaties in the contact names? I thought we were past that, Miss Y/N~

You pouted slightly at his teasing.
Fine. If he wanted to play games, you'd tease him back.

You changed Benjamin's name to Benny-Boo <3

Benny-Boo <3: Hardee har har, very funny, Y/N

You: I'm keeping it that way. You started the teasing, so this is how it's gonna be.

Benny-Boo <3: Two can play that game, sweetheart~

Benny-Boo <3 Changed Your name to Mommy Y/N~

Mommy Y/N~: WTF BEN

Benny-Boo <3: 😂

Benny-Boo <3: See you at 6, sweetheart~

Mommy Y/N~: You little shit

Benny-Boo <3: Offline

You sighed and rolled off of your bed to go pick out your clothes for the date, shower, do your hair, and makeup (You guys decide outfits, etc. :3)

As you were finishing up your makeup, you checked the time. It was 5. You still had about an hour.

At that moment, your phone started ringing. You checked it. It was Ben.
You answered.

"Hey, Ben,"

"Hey, Mommy Y/N~" his smooth voice teased.

Your cheeks flushed and you pouted.
"Real smooth, you jerk!-"

"Aw, come on, Y/N, I'm only teasing!" he laughed. His laughter was sweet and soothing.

You smiled.
"Fine. I'll forgive you. But only this once, you scoundrel."

"Fair, fair. Hey, are you ready to go yet?"

"Almost. I'm just finishing up my makeup. Why?"

"Cause I was ready early and I'm at your front door."

"You idiot, you know the glass door is always unlocked."

"I know. Just didn't want to scare you, that's all."

You smiled sweetly. How considerate.

"You can come in. I'm just upstairs in the bathroom."

"Will do. See you in a few."

"Bye," you replied, hanging up the phone.

After a minute or two, he appeared in the doorway to the bathroom. He was quiet for a moment, staring at you. You turned to face him.


"You...look really nice," he replied, a small blush on his cheeks.

You smiled, your cheeks flushing. "You too."

He leaned against the door way casually. "How much longer do you have?"

"I just have to do the finishing touches on my eyeshadow then do my eyeliner and mascara. So less than five minutes."

Ben nodded.

Once you finished your makeup, you turned and looked at him.
"How does it look?"

"It looks great! But you know that you look good without makeup too, right?"

You smiled shyly, a small blush dusting your cheeks.
"Thank you."

"It's true! And you're welcome. Are you ready to go?"

You nodded your head and the two of you left the house.

You headed into town. There was a festival going on that week, so everywhere was decorated. It was a good thing that you dressed somewhat fancy, but not enough to stand out.

"So what are we doing, Ben?"

"We're going to get dinner, enjoy the festival, and then I have something for after the date as well."

"Sounds good!" you replied happily, following along beside him.

As you reached the planned restauraunt, Ben held the door from you, letting you head inside first. You happily did so and waited for him before the two of you went to find a seat.

*Small timeskip because all you and Ben did was get to know each other better and talk*

The two of you were wandering through the town. There were all sorts of stalls set up on the streets, lanterns hung around, etc. It was nice and decorative. It was amazing.

The two of you shopped through stalls, nerding out over all sorts of video games, comic books, etc. It was a very fun, relaxing, and refreshing night. It was such a nice distraction from all of the things that had happened in your life lately, and it was a nice change of pace. And you got to do it all with your new best friend.

You hoped that this night would never end.


A/N: Hey guys. Apologies for the short chapter, although most of them have been thus far. I promise when I come back from my little break the chapter will be a little longer. And I want everyone's opionions: Should the you and Ben fall for each other or should we wait for another time? I had an idea for this story when I first started writing it, but idk anymore, lol. But what do you guys think?

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