chapter two | fool at the morgue

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The next morning, or moreso the next afternoon (waking up early is difficult when you're a nocturnal creature of the night with an already wack sleep schedule), Dean was awoken by Sam banging on his bedroom door, saying he'd found a case.

"It's probably just a spirit. Should be easy enough," Dean said, as he walked out of his room. He'd gotten dressed as fast as he could, which meant he was still pulling on his shirt when he walked past Cas.

"Hey," Cas greeted, eyes lingering. "You've been asleep all day."

Dean narrowed his eyes, and almost wondered if Cas had totally forgotten about the conversation they had yesterday. Maybe it had all been a dream.

"Yeah, so?" he replied, grabbing his jacket and slipping it on.

"I thought you were trying not to be suspicious," Cas whispered.

"People sleep in, Cas," Dean said defensively. "That's perfectly normal."

"Not for you and your situation."

"Yeah, well, Sam doesn't know that I'm...different, so what does it matter?" Dean whispered loudly. "At least I'm not sleeping through the entire day, like everyone else with this curse."

Cas shifted forward. "That doesn't mean Sam isn't suspicious. He's onto you, Dean. And sooner or later, he's going to find out."

"What am I going to find out?" Sam asked, walking into the room.

Dean turned around, and started spewing whatever he could come up with on the spot. "Uh, well...I ate all of the cereal." He laughed, and glanced back at Cas, who immediately flew away, presumably into the kitchen.

"What, Dean!? I thought you were over doing that," Sam said, stomping into the kitchen. He opened the cupboards, and sure enough, there was no cereal.

Dean breathed a sigh of relief, and feigned a, "Sorry."

"That was literally my cereal," Sam said sadly. "I didn't even think you liked it."

"Yeah," Dean said, rubbing the back of his neck. "We should probably get on with the case."

Sam turned around and glared at Dean, before shaking his head and saying, "Yeah, we should."

On the way to the Impala, they passed by Cas who also rightly glared at Dean.


"Wait, so you said the vic was stabbed violently with a knife, but there was no sign of entry or a knife at the scene of the crime?" Sam asked the man they were interrogating; he was the nextdoor neighbor of the victim, who was an elderly lady who probably wouldn't have lived much longer anyway.

"Yeah, exactly," he said. "At least, that's what I overheard the police saying."

"Alright, thanks," Dean said, smiling. He nodded and shut the door in the man's face.

Sam took down a few last notes, before glancing at the victim's house. For a second, Dean thought he was going to suggest that they break in, but instead Sam said that they should go have a look at the body.

"Okay," Dean agreed quickly. Really, he didn't think he could stand another second with the sun burning down on his skin.


Visiting the morgue was a disaster.

First of all, it was located in the basement of the local hospital. When Sam and Dean walked in, a man was being rushed in behind them on a stretcher. He looked as though he'd nearly lost his arm in an accident with a chainsaw, and the smell of his blood was so strong, Dean had to come up with some excuse to leave and hide out in the restroom till his fangs were no longer visible.

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