chapter seventeen | movie night

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"Hey, so, uh, Cas and I talked and we came to a mutual understanding," Dean told Benny near the end of the night. They were still working the same shift, and it didn't seem like that was going to change anytime soon.

"And?" Benny urged. He seemed to be a little under the weather. But, then again, he could just be upset.

"Well, he basically said he's okay with you and I also being together," Dean explained.


"Yeah," Dean said. "So I thought that maybe we could get together after work?"

"Okay," Benny agreed. "I'd like that."

Dean let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Cool, 'cause we're having a movie night tonight. Everyone's gonna be there."


"Yeah, Rain, Aria, Sandy, and Cas," Dean said. "I thought it could be like, a double date."

"What're we watching?" Benny asked, walking into the kitchen.

"New Moon," he answered, following close behind.

"The sequel to that one weird vampire movie?"

"Um, yeah," Dean said. "That's it."

"You know, I've never actually seen it," Benny said, smiling. "Maybe I'll like it."

"Well, I don't think you need to like it, maybe just--"

Dean was cut off by Benny going in for an unexpected kiss. This hadn't happened since they'd been in purgatory, and was rare at that. It felt sweet, and warmed Dean's soul. He wondered if Benny felt the same. Maybe just as their souls had been together in purgatory, they were together now.

Smiling, Benny pulled away and ran a hand across Dean's check before saying, "I'll see you later," and stepping backwards back out into the dining area.

Oh boy, tonight was going to be an emotional rollercoaster for sure.


Dean agreed that he'd drive, and Benny could stay the night -- if he wanted to, of course. Though, if his desires got the best of him, Dean might upset Cas, and he really didn't want to do that, especially not again.

But, Benny seemed much more chill than he had been the other day. Like, right now, they were just holding hands as Dean drove. It was simple -- how he liked it with Cas. Even after just the few moments that they'd shared that day, Dean knew he enjoyed the simple things with Benny, too.

When they walked into the house, everyone else was already chilling in the living room. It smelled strongly of popcorn, which was strange seeing as Aria was the only one there who could actually enjoy it. Cas gave them both a cold glance.

"I invited Benny," Dean said. "I hope that's alright."

"That's great!" Rain said.

"I wasn't expecting that," Cas said.

"You can have some popcorn, if you'd like," Aria told Benny.

"You know I don't eat that, right?" Benny shot back.

Aria sighed. "Well, you could, so I'm not the only one."

"I'll have some," Cas said. "In solidarity."

"Thanks, Cas. Here." She handed him a whole other bowl that was filled to the brim.

Dean dragged Benny along behind him, and sat them down on the couch where Cas was. He was in the middle, obviously.

Without another word, Aria started the movie, and turned out the lights. She sat between Rain and Sandy on the smaller couch, practically on Sandy's lap.

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