chapter nine | date

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For the past few days, all Dean had been doing was thinking -- and spending way too much time with Cas. Honestly, that's the whole reason why he'd been thinking so much.

He didn't quite know what was going on between them. It was like everything was different but still exactly the same, if that made any sense at all.

When Cas had swooped in and saved him just the other day, he felt something. Fear was definitely the opposite, but it was something more than simply safety.

And before, in the closet, he'd felt it too. Only then, it was mixed with lust and a craving for blood.

So, maybe Sam and Rain were right. That's why he just had to take a step forward, and see where things could go.

"There's a special midnight showing of Twilight," Dean said hesitantly, as he mindlessly picked away at a thread that had been bothering him all day. "I thought we could go see it together."

"We did say we'd watch it sometime, didn't we?" Cas said, smiling slightly. For a moment, they locked eyes. "I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, but is this a date?"

"Possibly," Dean admitted. "But it doesn't have to be, if you don't want it to."

Cas shook his head, and let their eyes meet again. "I'd love to go on a date with you, Dean Winchester."

At that, Dean swallowed hard. Why'd Cas have to say his name like that? If he wasn't already flustered before, he definitely was now.

"Okay, well, uh...the theater a bit of a drive, so I'll meet you out in the car."


Dean was right, the drive was long. He and Cas didn't talk much on the way. They mostly just shared a few glances that made Dean flustered and reminded him that he should probably look at the road ahead instead so they didn't crash. That would be embarrassing.

When they arrived, they took their seats in the back of the theater, not bothering to even look at the food and drink at the concession stand.

Not even five minutes of waiting in silence for the movie to start, and Dean's mind had already wandered far off into the depths.

But, a few moments later, he felt Cas' hand on his, and he laced their fingers together. This, he liked. It was simple, calm, and exactly what he'd been secretly hoping for his whole life.

But, somewhere deeper, there was the whole commitment thing. It creeped into his mind and filled his stomach with a dreadful loneliness.

Cas ran his thumb over Dean's hand, and for a moment, he wondered if he could sense it, what was all over Dean's mind. He glanced over and saw that Cas was staring at him with an unreadable expression.

Dean wanted to lay his head on Cas' shoulder, but he didn't want to make it obvious to everyone else in the packed theater that they were on the verge of being more than just friends. Hell, maybe they already were at this point.

Cas must've somehow figured all this out, though, because out of nowhere he said, "It's okay, Dean. You need to know that."

It took him a moment, but after thinking it over Dean decided that it would be better if he just didn't think about it at all. After all, who really gave a shit about what two strangers did anyway? It was Dean's life, and he was going to do what he wanted.

Not much later, the lights dimmed and the movie started.

Dean couldn't relate to the part about not putting much thought into how one would die. Hell, it was practically a constant thing at this point.

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